Reamaze Live Chat Helpdesk CRM
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Vokse din virksomhed og behold gladere kunder med AI-drevet kundesupport, live chat og CRM
At vokse din virksomhed starter med bedre kundeengagement. Re:amaze hjælper dig med at konvertere shoppere til glade gentagne købere med AI chatbots og AI-drevet live chat, der er optimeret til salg. Vores forenede helpdesk-indbakke og CRM hjælper dig også med at opretholde relationer ved at kortlægge samtaler fra alle kilder (e-mail, sociale medier, SMS, opkald) til ordrer, indtægter, returvarer og endda anmeldelser på tværs af en enkelt visning. Opret automatiseringer og generer indhold med AI for at arbejde smartere og svare hurtigere som et team.
- Foren e-mail, sociale medier, SMS, stemmesamtaler for alle butikker i en enkelt indbakke
- Administrer, ændr og opret Shopify-ordrer direkte i kundesupport og chats
- Brug AI til at oprette svar, skrive FAQ-artikler, bygge chatbots og endda opsummere
- Automatiser almindelige opgaver og mønstre med data og regler for at spare tid
- Tilfredshedsundersøgelser, statussider, push-meddelelser for at holde kunderne engagerede
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
- Højdepunkter
- Populær blandt virksomheder i USA
- Fungerer sammen med de nyeste temaer
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Fungerer sammen med, klaviyo, shipstation, octane ai, and 20+ more, smsbumpBeskeder i realtid
Automatiske svar
Automatisering af workflows
Re:amaze Basic
$29 om måneden
$29 per ekstra medarbejderbruger. Billetvolumen baserede muligheder med ubegrænsede brugere og årlige planer tilgængelige.
- Ubegrænsede e-mail indbakker
- Sociale integrationer
- Live chat og chatbots
- Trænbare AI-intentioner
- Arbejdsprocesser og makroer
- 1K gratis push-meddelelser
14-dages gratis prøveperiode
Re:amaze Pro
$49 om måneden
$49 per ekstra medarbejderbruger. Billetvolumen baserede muligheder med ubegrænsede brugere og årlige planer tilgængelige.
- Grundlæggende funktioner +
- Multi-Store
- SMS og VOIP-integrationer
- Live View
- Avancerede rapporter
- Brugerdefinerede domæner
- Statusside
- 1K gratis push-meddelelser
14-dages gratis prøveperiode
Re:amaze Plus
$69 om måneden
$69 per ekstra medarbejderbruger. Billetvolumen baserede muligheder med ubegrænsede brugere og årlige planer tilgængelige.
- Grundlæggende + Pro +
- Medarbejderrapporter, roller, skift, fridage
- Afdelinger
- Tilfredshedsundersøgelser
- FAQ-historik
- Co-Browse
- 2K gratis push-meddelelser
14-dages gratis prøveperiode
Enterprise Custom
$899 om måneden
Kontakt os for flere virksomhedspriser og funktionsmuligheder
- Tilpasningsfunktioner
- Billetvolumen baseret eller årlig prissætning
- Hands-On Service og træning
- Dedikeret prioritetssupport
14-dages gratis prøveperiode
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag. Se alle prismuligheder
Anmeldelser (259)
This app lives in the stone ages. I asked TWO YEARS ago if they could sort their Shipstation integration to show orders most recent at the top of the list first, instead of oldest first. I'm not even a coder and I've done this in my own apps that use Shipstation, it's easy. But no, Reamaze apparently thinks it's perfectly normal to display orders from 2015 at the top of the list And finally what is prompting me to leave this review is I just asked how to filter for tickets with an attachment. You have to MANUALLY tag EVERY conversation, ugh. This is super basic. You also can't even merge a social chat with email... so the customer who messages you on Facebook first, but then sends an email afterwards... get ready to click back and forth through conversations to read everything and understand what's going on. Reamaze makes multichannel very difficult. There are several very basic things I've asked about over the years, and NONE of them have been implemented. And in my opinion the price is way too high for what you get.
Update, Sept. 6 2024: Thanks again for the feedback here - our Product and Engineering teams have recently released 2 separate updates for Re:amaze that have solved for your asks for ShipStation order sorting and searching/filtering based on the presence of an attachment. We hope this improves your product experience!
Thank you for the frank and honest feedback regarding Re:amaze and some of the features you'd like to see added to the app. We will be syncing with our Product team on each of these items (Shipstation order sorting by date, search/filter by if an attachment exists in the conversation, ability to merge Facebook messenger conversations with email conversations) to make sure that they're considered for future development.
While Re:amaze has continued to evolve to include new integrations and features like AI capabilities, there is certainly always more to improve.
After using other platforms and being disappointed, we are enjoying using Re:amaze the most. I always have helpful interactions with the Helpdesk when I have a question. The links and videos are clear and beneficial.
The support from Dakota T (our account manager) has proven educational and he's very engaging. What I have learned from Dakota and taken back to the team has improved our customer interactions and automations.
I don't know how you could give a bad review to this app. We've tried several helpdesk platforms and I think we finally found the right one for our use case in Reamaze.
We needed consolidation of email, voice, SMS, social and Shopify. Reamze does all this very well with several voice/phone integrations to choose from.
Setup was easy including phone and social channels integrations.
The agent UI is actually pleasant to use so CX is not a chore.
The Shopify integration is tight and easy to assimilate at a glance.
Reamaze support is very fast and competent.
A great user-friendly help desk service. Streamlines all of our emails and calls into neat categories and saves our company a huge amount of time. Dakota is just a call away if I ever need anything. We've been with re:amaze for several years now, and we keep growing, I would attribute a lot of that growth to the efficiency in which we service our customers.
Enjoying ReAmaze so far. It is far more streamlined than the other platform I used. Dakota has been fantastic to work with! He is very knowledgeable, helped with onboarding, and made everything very easy to migrate from another platform. Thank you!
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1. april 2014 · Ændringslog