Avaliações (4.640)
Por avaliação
Muito bom ta me ajudando bastante na minha loja, recomendo todos usarem,gratuito ainda por cima temos que aproveitar
Tell us about your experience with Sales Pop up ‑ Social Proof
Tell us about your experience with Sales Pop up ‑ Social Proof
How would you rate this app?
Tell us about your experience with Sales Pop up ‑ Social Proof
How would you rate this app?
Provide some detail about what you did or did not enjoy about using this app. Your comments can help other merchants decide whether to use this app.
Provide some detail about what you did or did not enjoy about using this app. Your comments can help other merchants decide whether to use this app.
How would you rate this app?
Well, we are thankful that you took time to write something and give us 5-stars. We encourage that you use our app on your shop and then later update your experience here.
Again, thanks a lot and good luck for more sales.
Good! to make a pop up for make your customer interest your website
great app!
Nice App :))
Luis was so great, love the service from him
I like the stock countdown and sales countdown. Great app! Will definitely recommend to other shops
Aplicativo muito bom e que ajuda na conversão de suas vendas. Estou curtindo muito o resultado! Foi acima do esperado.
I used this app because it adds social proof. easy way to get social proof in your shop. would def recommend to other people
Thanks for leaving us 5-star review and recommending it to others. It will definitely instantly establish social proof on your store. Good Luck!
Great app! Great and quick results if youre getting decent traffic! Amazing work by this team :) highly recommend
Thanks for leaving us such a wonderful review. Our team will definitely be happy to read what you wrote.
That app won't work on my site leallalalalalalallThat app won't work on my site leallalalalalalallThat app won't work on my site leallalalalalalallThat app won't work on my site leallalalalalalallThat app won't work on my site leallalalalalalall
We are grateful for the 5-star rating even though you mentioned the app won't work. Our team is responding to your query to resolve any possible issue. We'd encourage you to update review contents that truly reflects your experience about the app.