ReConvert Upsell 업셀 & 크로스셀 OCU

ReConvert Upsell 업셀 & 크로스셀 OCU

리뷰 (5,381)

전체 평점
평점 수준당 개수
  • 평점의 96%가 별 5개입니다
  • 평점의 2%가 별 4개입니다
  • 평점의 0%가 별 3개입니다
  • 평점의 0%가 별 2개입니다
  • 평점의 1%가 별 1개입니다
2019년 3월 4일

Best app of 2019!! LOVE it boost my sales from the order confirmation page.

Thank you for this awesome upsell and order tracking widgets!

Fabulous Trendz
앱 사용 기간 대략 10시간
답글 ReConvert 💵개 2019년 3월 4일

Thank you so much for these kind words! keep booming and take advantage of your order status page!

2023년 7월 2일

blessing כיעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעע עעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעעע
נותן שירות מדויק מהיר ואיכותי

My Store
앱 사용 기간 대략 10시간
답글 ReConvert 💵개 2023년 8월 8일

תודה רבה על חוות הדעת שלך, הצוות המטפל שלנו תמיד כאן כדי לעזור.

2023년 4월 18일

The support team answer very quick and are helpful and kind, definitely makes the process a breeze :)

앱 사용 기간 대략 9시간
답글 ReConvert 💵개 2023년 4월 20일

Thank you for your amazing review and feedback🙏 Our support team is always ready to help 😎

2020년 6월 1일

Great, got a sale in like 3 minutes! Pretty easy to install and i was able to choose a checkout theme easily. Overall, probably worth the price,

The Ramen Blanket
앱 사용 기간 대략 9시간
답글 ReConvert 💵개 2020년 6월 1일

Thank you for your 5 star review 👍

2023년 3월 27일

Alex was so helpful and patient with me as I figured out this app.. the app offers a lot of circumstances to increase aov and upsell, excited to see how this increases revenue.. thanks so much

앱 사용 기간 대략 8시간
답글 ReConvert 💵개 2023년 3월 28일

Thank you for your amazing review and feedback🙏 Our support team is always ready to help and wishes you many sales😎

2023년 1월 11일

We had Alex help us with some setup questions and he was AWESOME!!! He was very patient with us and explained everything along the way. We are excited to see how much this app helps with boosting our rvenue.
앱 사용 기간 대략 8시간
2020년 8월 12일

still trying to figure it out.

앱 사용 기간 대략 7시간
답글 ReConvert 💵개 2020년 8월 12일

If you have any questions, you can always contact our support team😊 Our support team is always here to help you 24/7😎

2020년 6월 4일

I am using this app to get more revenue after check out. It looks great and helps your site to look professional. I installed it at 4 am in the morning yet was able to get help from them at that time of morning from Konstantin. He not only helped me but also showed me the instruction for future reference. The app is simply incredible, but so is the customer service. I like the way it gently persuades a buying customer to come back and buy again immediately. I am not only a customer but a fan. Thanks for all you guys do. Get this app! You are dealing with quality people who have a must-have app. You'll be glad you did. Feel free to publish my name Darren Hale from Los Angeles, CA

Custom Rockstar
앱 사용 기간 대략 7시간
답글 ReConvert 💵개 2020년 6월 4일

Thank you for your feedback 🙏 Our support team is always here to help you 24/7😎

2021년 11월 8일

Great app to increase AOV, Vladimir was very helpful is assisting me upon the initial setup and launching our first funnels.

앱 사용 기간 대략 7시간
답글 ReConvert 💵개 2021년 11월 8일

Thank you for your amazing review🙏 Our team is always here to help 24/7😎

2023년 12월 6일

Great service. Good app

앱 사용 기간 대략 7시간
답글 ReConvert 💵개 2023년 12월 13일

Thank you for your kind words!
We're glad you're enjoying our app and appreciate your positive feedback. We're always working to improve, and your review helps us understand what we're doing well and where we can make things even better.

If you have any suggestions or feedback on how we can improve the app or service, please don't hesitate to let us know. We value your input and appreciate your help in making our app the best it can be.

Thank you again for choosing us!

ReConvert team