RecurrinGO! Subscriptions App
속도, 사용 편의성과 판매자 가치에 대한 Shopify의 최고 품질 표준을 충족합니다.
리뷰 (231)
상세 검색
Support team sometimes difficult to work with and does not understand or accept issues....We can't wait for future features such as editable subscriptions. Just a quick note on how the App functions: all invoices are sent via the Draft Order function in Shopify. If a customer does not pay the invoice it will float as draft and must be manually deleted after the time expires. Also drafts will be ...
Hello. Thanks for your feedback, it's highly appreciated! Please feel free to contact us anytime, we are always ready to assist!
Original Review Posted 3/3/2021: This app worked well with my site's theme, but there have been problems. The majority of clients that signed up for subscriptions using this app did so accidentally. Most of my clients found it confusing and they did not like that they could not edit their subscriptions without deleting them and starting over. It was too much money for something that did not bring ...
Thanks for your feedback and sorry that you've faced such inconvenience. We've contacted you via email regarding this case in order to clarify and help if possible :)
Bonjour, je n'arrive pas a changer les mots " weekly" "montly" et " custom" en Français, je n'arrive pas a contacter le support, si on à plus de 200 produits il est écrit nul part combien est-ce que ca va nous couter ?
Thanks for your feedback and sorry for such inconvenience. We tried to contact you regarding this case but didn't receive a response yet. Please drop us a line at your ...