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Kundedefinerede genbestillingspåmindelser - Vi kan bygge din tilpassede genopfyldningskampagne!
Det er frustrerende at løbe tør for dine yndlingsprodukter. Sørg for, at dine kunder aldrig løber tør med rettidige genbestillingspåmindelser. Kunderne vil fortælle dig, hvornår de gerne vil mindes, og vores app sender dem en e-mail, når de skal genbestille. Vores forudindlæste checkout-link med indbygget rabat (valgfrit) fører kunderne direkte til checkout, hvilket gør genbestillingsprocessen lige så nem som et abonnement uden forpligtelse og overbestilling. Kontakt os for tilpasningsanmodninger!
- Kunderne sætter deres egne påmindelser baseret på deres forbrugsrate
- Genbestillings-e-mails med forudindlæste checkout-links for at gøre bestilling lynhurtig
- Replenish kan tilbyde en rabat på genbestilling for at opmuntre til gentagne køb
- Administrer bestillingspåmindelser og udsæt dem, hvis du ikke er helt klar til at genbestille
- Tilpassede workflows for at opfylde dine krav til genbestillingspåmindelser
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
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Priser, du kan angive
$10 om måneden
- Genbestillingspåmindelser
- Genopfyldningspåmindelser
- Genbestillings-e-mails med rabatlinks
- Ubegrænsede e-mails
- Ubegrænsede genbestillingspåmindelser
28-dages gratis prøveperiode
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag. Se alle prismuligheder
Anmeldelser (3)
The support for this App is amazing and the app does what is promised! If something is missing you just need to contact them and they will help you fix/implement it. THANKS :)
Thanks for the great review! We're delighted to see lots of customers signing up for reminders. It was also great working with you on building a SKU swap that allowed you to offer customers a sample product and the reminder contained the full price product
This app is exactly what we needed in our stack. We're seeing a significant increase in the number of people who repeat purchase, helping grow our LTV and allowing us to scale marketing elsewhere. It's super simple to use, easy to setup, and results have come in quickly - what could you want more? Excited to see how it continues to help us grow!
Thanks for the great review Justen! Good to hear that Replenish is complementing your stack by filling the gap between one-time purchases and subscription orders with our repeat order reminders.
cannot customize at all like only some producst offered replenship option. then at one point the app sent 15 emails to every customer.
Thanks for your review, however, as discussed and confirmed with you over email, it is not our app that is responsible for sending out multiple emails to your customers. We investigated this thoroughly and have let you know the name of the app/service responsible should you need to remove it from your store.
We'd therefore really appreciate it if you could amend your review to reflect that our app has not caused this issue for your customers please.
You're correct in that our Replenish app is fairly rigid in its current format, but it was created to fill a specific requirement for merchants who are experiencing a fair amount of subscriber churn.
The app is still in its early stages, but we intend to increase the flexibility of its configurable options as well as the core functionality so that merchants with more specific use cases can use it for their replenishment campaigns.
Thanks for trying out Replenish, we'll let you know once we have those additional features that you mentioned!
Appsupport leveres af Union Works Apps.
Eller besøg deres supportportalUdvikler
28. september 2021
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