Report Pundit : Custom Reports

Report Pundit : Custom Reports

Forfait gratuit disponible. Essai gratuit disponible.
Jouissant d’une grande popularité auprès des entreprises basées aux États-Unis
5,0 (1 647)
Estore Automate

Create and Analyze Unlimited Custom Reports with Seamless Integration and Automation.

Report Pundit is your ultimate tool for analyzing Shopify store data. Create unlimited custom reports tailored to your needs, or use our prebuilt reports to get started quickly. Easily run sales reports, tax reports, inventory reports, payout reports, fulfillment reports, customer analysis, POS data, and data exports, helping you manage your store effectively.

Report Pundit is your ultimate tool for analyzing Shopify store data. Create unlimited custom reports tailored to your needs, or use our prebuilt reports to get started quickly. Easily run sales reports, tax reports, inventory reports, payout reports, fulfillment reports, customer analysis, POS data, and data exports, helping you manage your store effectively. plus
  • Free Report Service: Let us create custom reports for you.
  • Export Options: Export reports as Excel, CSV, or PDF files.
  • Automated Reports: Save time with reports that run on schedules.
  • Data Integration: Connect with 30+ apps for payment, shipping, and marketing.
  • Multi-Store Support: Generate unified reports from across multiple stores

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Jouissant d’une grande popularité auprès des entreprises basées aux États-Unis



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Fonctionne avec

Processus de paiement, Ship Station, Facebook, Google Analytics 4, Google Ads, PayPal, Stocky

Rapports financiers

Ventes et remboursements, Taxe de vente, Retours et échanges, Suivi du CMV, Rapports personnalisés

Opérations financières

Comptes débiteurs, Délais de paiement, Déductions fiscales, Exonérations fiscales, Bons de commande, Mises à jour des stocks, Boutiques multiples, Devises multiples, Multicanal

Synchronisation automatique des données

Résumé des ventes quotidiennes, Détails des commandes, Transactions, Versements, Clients, Stock et produit, Tarification, Rapprochement bancaire, Importation de l’historique des données

Comportement du client

Suivi de l’événement, Segmentation, Pages vues, Valeur vie client (LTV), Analyse de cohorte

Marketing et ventes

Analyse des données de paiement, Retour sur investissement publicitaire (ROAS), Informations sur les bénéfices, Suivi UTM, Paniers abandonnés

Supports visuels et rapports

Tableau de bord des analyses de données, Tableau de bord personnalisé, Rapports multi-boutiques, Rapports personnalisés, Exportation des données, Analyse de l’historique, Planification des rapports, Notifications


Free Plan


  • Below 1000 lifetime orders
  • All Shopify data
  • Pre-built reports
  • Customized reports
  • Filter & group data
  • User management
  • Export reports

Shopify Basic

$9 / mois

Stores currently subscribed to the Basic Shopify plan

  • All Free features
  • Charts & Graphs
  • Calculated data fields
  • Unlimited Custom Reports
  • Automated Report Scheduling
  • Free Report Setup
  • Live Chat

Essai gratuit de 14 jours


$19 / mois

Stores currently subscribed to the Shopify plan

  • All Basic features
  • Free Report Setup
  • Calculated data fields
  • Unlimited Custom Reports
  • Automated Report Scheduling
  • Live Chat

Essai gratuit de 14 jours


$35 / mois

Stores currently subscribed to the Advanced Shopify plan

  • All Shopify plan features
  • Live Chat
  • Free Report Setup
  • Unlimited Custom Reports
  • Automated Report Scheduling
  • One-on-one call support

Essai gratuit de 14 jours

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Tous les frais sont facturés en USD. Les frais récurrents et basés sur l’utilisation sont facturés tous les 30 jours. Voir toutes les options de tarification

Avis (1 647)

Note globale
Nombre d’avis par note
  • 99 % des avis sont des avis à 5 étoiles
  • 1 % des avis sont des avis à 4 étoiles
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 3 étoiles
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 2 étoiles
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 1 étoiles
23 septembre 2024

Report Pundit does a lot more than I thought it could, and when I propose a report that will help our business, the Report Pundit team create it for me. They're quick to respond and take on any challenge I've set. I'm sure I'll have more for them soon.

Plus de 2 ans d’utilisation de l’application
21 juillet 2024

Useful for really digging into your Shopify data. Can be organised and formatted in more ways than the standard Shopify reports. Can also schedule reports to be sent automatically. Had to contact their customer service to add metafields to reports and very quickly and easily added by customer service.
Well worth it if you want to dig into your data.

Umbrella Entertainment
Environ 3 ans d’utilisation de l’application
30 juillet 2024

So incredibly useful. If there is a report that you don't see already published, just live chat with them and they will literally make you a custom report within a few minutes. Have been using this for quite a while now, and the support is top tier.
Plus de 2 ans d’utilisation de l’application
13 septembre 2024

The report is laid out how we need it and the support guys are really helpful. I had an issue with the information pulling through on the report and they were able to sort it out for me really quickly.

Redchurch Brewery
Presque 2 ans d’utilisation de l’application
11 septembre 2024

Once again, ReportPundit comes through with the help I need quickly and competently. I highly recommend this product to anyone looking for complex reports that require the ability to search on a variety of otherwise unsearchable fields and apply boolean logic to their search. Best of all, if you can't do it, they're happy to help. Always online and ready to lend a hand with any report.

12 mois d’utilisation de l’application


Estore Automate peut répondre à toutes vos questions concernant Report Pundit : Custom Reports.


Estore Automate

409 Yellowtail Road, Libby, MT, 59923, US



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