
Reputon Amazon Reviews 应用将通过在您的网站上显示出色的评分小部件,帮助您显著提高网站的信任度、声誉和社交证明。只需一键即可将评论导入到您的 Shopify 网站。无需代码。只需链接您的亚马逊业务或亚马逊产品页面。轻松导入亚马逊卖家评论和亚马逊产品评论。将亚马逊小部件放置在 Shopify 商店页面的任何部分。显示亚马逊代发货产品的评论。
- 在网站上导入亚马逊产品或卖家评论和推荐
- 通过亚马逊客户评论和亚马逊评分建立信任
- 通过亚马逊业务页面上的五星评论提升销售
- 多种样式:带评分列表的轮播,紧凑和小徽章,紧凑滑块
- 无需代码
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
- amazon
- 无限访问所有功能
- 适用于开发和试用计划
$5.99 /月
或 $53.99/年(可节省 25%)
- 多种布局选项
- 新评论自动更新
- 过滤差评
- 产品评论
- 卖家反馈
- 自定义小部件样式
7 天免费试用
所有费用均以USD结算。 定期费用和基于使用情况的费用每 30 天收取一次。
评论 (131)
Installing the app and setting up Amazon Reviews was easy. Suddenly the app stopped working and had to reach out to support. James from Reputon was quick to offer help, identified we had an issue with the apps section on our store and fixed the issue by adding custom liquid to our store. Thank you!
Great app, easy to set up and use. And gives trust to my website as most of my reviews come from amazon sales
Great customer service! If you're an "Amazon Book Author" and not an "Amazon Seller" here's what I've learned about this app... It's a very useful tool, however, I cannot do exactly what I want to do with it due to restrictions on Amazon's end. Since I am an Amazon Book Author and not an Amazon Seller I am not able to post all of my reviews as a group on my home page. I can only post reviews for each product on their individual product pages. The wonderful customer service team at Reputon took the time to explain why (and responded very quickly too):
"Kindly note that we need a dedicated page from which we can pull reviews to display them on your homepage. For sellers, we retrieve reviews from their seller feedback page and import them into our app. However, for authors, Amazon does not provide a separate page listing all reviews in one place. Instead, all reviews are stored under individual product (book) pages, which is why we can only import them as product reviews."
As an Amazon Book seller I know this all to be true so it made perfect sense once explained. Thanks James! :)
We're sorry to hear about your experience with our app.
The widget did not appear on your website because you were trying to add the seller reviews widget, but you do not have a seller feedback page link added.
However, you can add product reviews widgets to your product pages since you have matched the products with reviews in the app settings.
We will contact you soon to explain how the app works and assist you in adding the widgets.
Worked exactly as hoped, looks great on the site
The customer service is the best.
应用支持由 Reputon 提供。