Rokt Ecommerce
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Tjen flere indtægter ved at bruge maskinlæring til at drive personlige tilbud på din bekræftelsesside.
Med Rokt’s maskinlæring kan du skabe en ny indtægtskilde uden omkostninger ved at vise premium-tilbud fra mærker som Disney+, HelloFresh og Venmo til dine kunder på din ordrebekræftelsesside. Tjen indtægter hver gang dine kunder klikker “Ja, tak!” på disse tilbud.
- Vis personlige tilbud fra tredjeparter på bekræftelsessiden
- Tilpas tilbudslayout, skrifttype og farve, så det ser naturligt ud i din butik
- Overvåg ydeevne og spor profit i realtid
- Overvåg ydeevne og spor profit i realtid
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
- Højdepunkter
- Brug direkte i Shopify-administratoren
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
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Anmeldelser (36)
Very easy installation and setup (took just minutes), and has quickly turned into a new passive revenue stream for us. Would highly recommend.
so far so good, ive been using this app about 2 months ish now and ive made a little over $3 its not super fast make a ton of money type situation but it does put a little pocket change into your pocket. you only make money if your customer who purchased signs up for the offers. also you can't cash out until you hit $100 so it may or may not take you awhile but hey money is money I recommend signing up for it if your getting a ton of sales to your store you might reach that $100 faster depending on your customers. its easy to set up and it does all the work for you once you set it up you don't have to do anything else.
Thank you for the 5 star review! As you say, our app's value does indeed increase with higher transaction volumes. And I can certainly see how the $100 payout threshold isn't ideal for everyone, we are currently evaluating if we can relax it to some degree and will keep you posted if that changes. Appreciate your candid feedback!
I used this app to help maximize our check out experience. It's literally free money for us (pays for basically our site costs and more). I'd recommend it to anyone - I constantly have the rep who helped me from ROKT reach out to me on a regular basis making sure the aesthetics are in line with my brand. Ironically my customers have made a few positive comments about it and how they were able to get a free few months of Hulu through buying a piece from us.
It's a no-brainer, if you're a small business and want to explore more opportunities to generate revenue on the side, you should download this app. It's also helpful to customers to offer them something they may want to consider.
Thank you very much for your review!
This app literally just brings FREE Money into your wallet, and does not interfere with your Sales what so ever either, because its all AFTER the Order is Purchased! Whats there not to love?!
Appsupport leveres af Rokt.
300 Elizabeth street, Sydney, NSW, 2020, AU
31. marts 2020
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