Rubik Variant Images
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- Funguje s nejnovějšími motivy
- Hodnocení
- 5,0 (55)
- Vývojář
- Craftshift
Galerie propagovaných obrázků

Show multiple variant images, display only relevant images. Improve the shopping experience.
Enhance your store's product pages by displaying only relevant variant images. This app is ideal for merchants selling items with multiple variant images, such as color, pattern, or style. Showing customers exactly what they're selecting streamlines decision-making and potentially increases conversions. Assign multiple images per variant with a simple click-based interface. The app integrates seamlessly with all popular themes. Show only selected variant images for a cleaner user experience.
- Assign multiple photos per variant. Show only relevant multiple variant images.
- Assign & sort multiple variant images per option with user-friendly interface.
- Shopify native user friendly experience & helpful live customer support.
- Works with all popular themes. Reach out to support if you have a custom theme.
- A clear product image, variant photos help reduce your return rates effectively.
- Důležité informace
- Oblíbené u firem ve Spojených státech
- Použití přímo v prostředí administrátora Shopify
- Funguje s nejnovějšími motivy
Tato aplikace není přeložena do jazyka čeština
Funguje s:
- Kaching Bundles
- GemPages Page Builder
- Beae Page Builder
- PageFly Page Builder
Free Plan
- Set up 1 product
Starter Plan
$15 / měsíc
nebo $144/rok s úsporou 20 %
- Set up 100 products
Advanced Plan
$25 / měsíc
nebo $240/rok s úsporou 20 %
- Set up 1000 products
Premium Plan
$50 / měsíc
nebo $480/rok s úsporou 20 %
- Set up unlimited products
Všechny poplatky jsou fakturovány v měně USD. Opakované poplatky a poplatky založené na použití jsou fakturovány každých 30 dní.
Recenze (55)
- 100 % hodnocení s 5 hvězdami
0 % hodnocení s 4 hvězdami
0 % hodnocení s 3 hvězdami
0 % hodnocení s 2 hvězdami
0 % hodnocení s 1 hvězdami
I have been really impressed with this app. Even though it is simple in it's purpose, it is easy to use, and does exactly what I need. I also like how responsive the support is too. I had a small suggestion for an improvement, and the team tried to understand my use case, then actually implemented a change to it that same day!
I wish some of my other app providers were as responsive as these guys.
Very quick response when asked for help. The app itself is easy to use and
runs smooth.
This App and support crew are AMAZING! I spent hours trying to find a way to easily assign variant images for my products and thankfully I finally found Rubik Variant Images! I have reached out to the support team a few times when trying to get my custom theme working with the app and they responded within seconds to assist and had me up and running in no time! Definitely recommend!
I was surprised on how quickly I received answers when getting in touch with the developers.
App runs extra smooth. Can recommend when having multiple variations on a product.
Amazing app and fast customer support.
Podporu aplikace poskytuje Craftshift.
Získat podporuZdroje
18. říjen 2024
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