Sales vs. Weather Report

Sales vs. Weather Report

$9.99 som engangsgebyr
Bedømmelse (0,0)


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Om denne app


26. september 2018

The weather has a great impact on how we feel and on the decisions we make. We want to help store owners understand what type of weather motivates their customers to order their products. # How does it work? The Sales vs. Weather app will check what was the weather during the time and place of every sale in the last 12 months (starting from the moment of the installation) and analyze it. You will receive 25+ types of reports - we'll check the number of sales, the average number of...

The weather has a great impact on how we feel and on the decisions we make. We want to help store owners understand what type of weather motivates their customers to order their products. # How does it work? The Sales vs. Weather app will check what was the weather during the time and place of every sale in the last 12 months (starting from the moment of the installation) and analyze it. You will receive 25+ types of reports - we'll check the number of sales, the average number of... mere

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$9.99 engangsbetaling

The price of the app depends on the number of orders during the last 12 months a store had

$9.99 engangsbetaling

The price of the app depends on the number of orders during the last 12 months a store had

Indeholder tekst, der ikke er oversat

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Antal pr. bedømmelsesniveau
  • 0 % af bedømmelserne er på 5 stjerner
  • 0 % af bedømmelserne er på 4 stjerner
  • 0 % af bedømmelserne er på 3 stjerner
  • 0 % af bedømmelserne er på 2 stjerner
  • 0 % af bedømmelserne er på 1 stjerner
Endnu ingen anmeldelser

Om denne app


26. september 2018

Udviklet af datainq

Om datainq

Endnu ingen anmeldelser

5 års erfaring med at udvikle apps til Shopify App Store

Prosta 1/2/5, Olsztyn, 10-028, PL


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