- 定价
- 评分
- 5.0 (3)
- 开发人员
- SALESmanago
将您的Shopify平台与SALESmanago集成,全面了解客户的活动。 SALESmanago是一个客户参与平台,适用于渴望影响力的电子商务营销团队,他们希望成为精简而强大的、受CEO信赖的收入增长伙伴。SALESmanago的Shopify插件允许您无缝传输客户和交易数据,这些数据可用于营销活动,更有效地定位您的受众。 同步数据:
- 在您的商店注册或购买的联系人的数据——为您的CDP提供动力
- 新闻通讯订阅状态——用于透明的同意管理。
- 外部事件(购物车和购买)——用于深刻的交易分析。
- 分配给联系人的标签——用于精确的细分。
- 存档的联系人和交易数据——启动您的数据收集。
英语, 波兰语, 德语, 西班牙语,以及 法语
The SalesManago app helped us to bridge the gap between Shopify and our database. Since SalesManago is an extremely robust platform it helped us to track store visits, assign points to actions taken by our leads and activate funnels and more complex funnels for our audience.
We have migrated from HubSpot to SalesManago around 2 years ago and that was one of the best decision for our business thus far. Very dynamic app, powerful AI recommendation engine and very easy to integrate with our website. SalesMango connector is also very lightweight and is not loading bunch on unnecessary code (unlike some other email marketing platforms) for functionality that is not being used. All in all, we highly recommend this platform.
Salesmanago ha sido una herramienta esencial para el éxito de nuestro proyecto de Ecommerce, su fácil integración con Shopify ha hecho que sea mucho más fácil crear flujos automatizados para llegar de forma más atinada a nuestros clientes.
应用支持由 SALESmanago 提供。