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Scan pris- og vægtindlejrede stregkoder og tilføj dem til din POS-vogn.
Vores app gør det muligt for dig hurtigt at scanne pris- og vægtindlejrede stregkoder for produkter, der sælges efter vægt, og automatisk indsætte disse linjeelementer i din Shopify POS-vogn, komplet med varens vægt og pris pr. enhed - velegnet til ost- og fiskehandlere, slagterbutikker, kryddeributikker, delikatesser og alle andre virksomheder, der bruger en etiketprinterskala. *2023 BEMÆRK: USB-scannere understøttes ikke længere, men alle Shopify POS-understøttede scannere er! Shopify POS GO understøttes nu.*
- UPC-A og EAN-13 pris + vægt indlejrede stregkodeformater understøttes
- Scan stregkoder ved hjælp af Socket Mobile Bluetooth stregkodescanner
- Support til vægtede varer priset pr. lb, kg eller 100g og international valuta
- Support til skatteændringer og skattefrie produkter
- Detaljeret supplerende salgsrapportering tilgængelig
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
- Højdepunkter
- Brug direkte i Shopify-administratoren
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Fungerer sammen med
Standard prisfastsættelse
$25 om måneden
+10 kr./måned pr. ekstra Shopify POS-lokation
14-dages gratis prøveperiode
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag.
Anmeldelser (10)
- 100 % af bedømmelserne er på 5 stjerner
0 % af bedømmelserne er på 4 stjerner
0 % af bedømmelserne er på 3 stjerner
0 % af bedømmelserne er på 2 stjerner
0 % af bedømmelserne er på 1 stjerner
We've been using this app for over a year and it works like a charm. We recently had a hiccup with reporting due to an analytics upgrade by Shopify. We messaged app support and had a resolution within minutes. Great support is what makes me love apps and this one gets 5 stars because of it.
Glad we were able to get this sorted for you Sheila, thank you for the kind review!
Derrick and his team are amazing and are always willing to help with whatever our company needs. We run a direct to consumer meat business and use a variety of the FillJoy apps for our various sales channels. Every time we have had any sort of issue of specialty thing that we have needed Derrick and his team are right there answering our millions of questions and coming up with new and improved beta versions of their apps for us to try. We truly wouldn't be able to run our business on a platform like Shopify without the Filljoy apps!
Amazing customer service; they help me transition from my old system to Shopify, even creating updates to attend to me. I highly recommend this app.
I have been using this app since their beta testing last summer. This app has been essential to be able to quickly check out customers with weight based items on our POS. Their support is quick, thorough, and they are open to suggestions and changes. They continue to develop the app adding new functionality and adapting to requests. A true joy to use.
Thank you Carlos for the kind review and for being willing to help me beta test the app when I first started! It's been a pleasure partnering together, wishing you and yours the best for 2021.
I run a store selling frozen food, having a solution for me to enable the Shopify to read the PLU barcode is absolutely essential for checking out the weight based product. Glad to find this solution. At first I had a compatibility issue with this app which it could only read a 5 digit SKU but all my products carry 6 digit SKU, emailed to the supporting team and the response was quick and in a day or two they resolved this problem altogether for me to run this app. Highly recommended if you sell weight based product as well.
Thank you so much Frankie, glad we were able get the product working for your 6 digit SKU. I appreciate the feature request, as now we are able to offer this to all merchants. Happy new year!
Appsupport leveres af Filljoy.
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