备注: 此应用仅面向 Shopify Plus 客户提供。 Shopify 脚本是采用 Ruby 编写的自定义项,能够让您打造个性化的客户体验。使用订单项、配送和付款脚本,您可以实现自定义逻辑,并在客户的结账过程中自动定制用户体验。 使用脚本编辑器应用可在商店的结帐页面启用脚本。由于该应用托管您在 Shopify 服务器上创建的脚本,它们可以在基础层面影响购物车和结账页面,而无需第三方应用或外部托管的插件。 有三种不同类型的 Shopify 脚本: 订单项脚本会影响购物车中的订单项并能更改价格和提供折扣。备注: 可能需要对模版进行修改,才能显示购物车和/或结账页面中的折扣金额或消息。 2. 配送脚本与配送环节交互,可以重命名、显示、隐藏或重新排列发货方式并对运费给予折扣。 3. 付款脚本与付款环节交互,可以重命名、显示、隐藏或重新排列支付网关。 根据我们提供的模版编写 Shopify 脚本,按照我们的文档构建您自己的模版,或使用脚本创建器解决方案开始使用。一些示例包括: # 订单项脚本 - 百分比 (%) 或固定 ($) 折扣,或两者的组合 -...
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
评论 (29)
No need to make it only for plus. Shopify should provide a script editor for every plan! - Please reconsider including it! :(
ONE script. Our Shopify Plus sales guy told me I could do tons and tons of things with Scripts, then locked us into a year-long contract, then tells us ONE script at a time. Just a terrible and deceitful practice.
I am a shopify plus member and you can only run 1 script at a time. You also are not allowed to use time or date functions in ruby. This is good for Small stores, but not available to them. very sad.
The reality is that the script is a rip off for what is being paid. The cost of shopify plus is $1200 a month and the script is very limited. Someone mentioned you can run "multiple" campaigns but your character limit is 24,000. That's a little for a store with several products. This review is already 300 characters. Also the documentation and availability to answers is almost non existent. They promise you a "specialist" who basically looks at the documentation online that recommends posting on the forum or hiring an expert.
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