Reseñas (1.311)
Por calificación
E boa, mas ainda tem uma didática dificil de entender. Para entender todas as descricoes de um produto da trabalho.
Decent enough
when you filter a size, color or any other variant, the results show all the products even if they are not available or out of stock. This is uncomfortable for our customers, since they will not know for sure if the size in this case is available or not. We hope you find a quick solution to this small problem. thank you.
Hi there; you can now control the display of out of stock product variants from the app's settings :) In the Settings screen, there is an "Out of stock products" section where you can choose to not show items in search results, which also applies to filtered views. You can find more information in the Help Center documentation
Is there an add-to-cart button in the works for product recommendations/complementary products? It'd be beneficial to keep customers on one page!
Thank you for your feedback. The availability of this feature depends on the theme you are using. Please contact your theme developer for more information.
good for monitoring the clicks and views in our website.. tacking is easy with this app.' good once again
this is a good app thanks
It would be incredibly helpful to define more than one filter set and have the ability to indicate which filter set should be used on a collection template. Right now I am forced into having one set of filters for every collection, even when collections are comprised of different product categories that have unique search criteria (filters).