评论 (1,122)

  • 73% 的评分是 5 星
  • 12% 的评分是 4 星
  • 6% 的评分是 3 星
  • 2% 的评分是 2 星
  • 6% 的评分是 1 星

Customize filters are working well but we can't translate 'Product Type' values displayed on Collection page, with Shopify "Translate & Adapt" app.

L'atelier de sonja
大约1个月 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2023年7月25日

Thanks for your review. I'm happy to share that the product team just launched filter translation support. More details here: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/online-store/search-and-discovery/filters#filter-translations. However, "product type" isn't yet a product field that can be translated, so you could work around that issue by using product metafield values instead


I use this app mainly for product recommendations and will base my review on that. It‘s great that Shopify has added a product recommendation API and is actively developing it. It recently updated the feature to include complementary products. Having a built-in product recommendation feature is really valuable and I’m using it quite a bit. However, the way you interact with the product recommendations is pretty time consuming. My biggest problem at the moment is the pagination and the fact that when you browse to a product already listed and click on it to edit, once you finish the pagination is reset to page 1 so I need to browse again to get to the same group of products I was working with. Having a filter on the existing products would help a lot here and also persisting the filter or the pagination. Also, I add the same recommendations to a lot of products so having a way to add/edit in bulk would be extremely helpful to me. The Product Recommendation feature/API would get a 5-star review from me but unfortunately this app has its shortcomings.

大约1个月 人在使用应用

This messed up my previous filters, This is a huge step back for me. Very disappointed. Not sure how even to fix this.

Best Planet
大约1个月 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2022年9月8日

Hi, thank you for your feedback. Storefront filter settings have moved to the Shopify Search & Discovery app. If you have previously customized your filter settings, we have pre-installed the Shopify Search & Discovery app for you, so you can continue to make edits. There have been no changes to your previous setting, and your store’s performance will not be impacted by the installation of the app.

For filters to display on your Storefront, your theme needs to support the feature.


I used this app and its works perfectly for my website. Better than most of the apps with high promises and no usefulness.

Perfume Scents
1天 人在使用应用

It's good that shopify finally allows for product selection on the product recommendations which is an important feature. Would be even better if - We can select number of products to be shown
- Scrollable options like carousel

1天 人在使用应用

Was all working fine. This morning (36 hours after switching theme to a 2.0 one and deleting my old Filter and Search app) 80% of the filters don't show or work anymore. What is going on? This app need sorting ASAP ***Update*** Following a stressful morning of it not working - a live chat to the very helpful Shane got things rolling and it was all sorted by mide afternoon. Hopefully will be more stable going forward!

ND John Wines
30天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2022年9月14日

Thank you for your feedback! i'm glad you were able to be supported by Shane and find a resolution. We have resolved a temporary issue and the filters are now working as expected.


I am happy Shopify finally allows us to display more than 1,000 products. That is a huge improvement. Thank you!! And it's very simple to use. Now, if i could get my product options to sort, that would be awesome. For example, I'd like to...

1天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2022年8月18日

Thank you for your feedback.

Storefront filter settings have moved to the Shopify Search & Discovery app. If you have previously customized your filter settings, we have pre-installed the app for you, so you can continue to make edits. There have been no changes to your previous settings, and your store’s performance will not be impacted by the installation of this app.

You can safely uninstall the app at any point and your filters will keep working as is. If you wish to make changes to the filter settings in the future, you have to reinstall the app.


It is stupid that the filter is not translated and also it can not filter tag which is the most important thing.

大约1个月 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2022年9月30日

Hi, thank you for your feedback. Tag filtering is now available. For more advanced filtering capabilities, we recommend to use metafields.

Update: I'm happy to share that the product team just launched filter translation support. More details here: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/online-store/search-and-discovery/filters#filter-translations.


My website is not able to search for any products. I think this app is not working for any website.

25天 人在使用应用


Bernal Tech
13分钟 人在使用应用