Rezensionen (1.211)
Nach Bewertung
Good support, so far so good, annoying review request constantly! Will update review in the future.
very helpfull tool for optimizing store's seo with many features, it just needs better optimizing for user experience to get the most benefits of these tools.
well done, keep up the good work.
We're glad you are enjoying the app, please let us know how to improve it to receive a 5-star review :)
We like the app, but users should be very careful about using the apps automated optimizations to bulk edit. We bulk edited all of our images, which broke indexing for our search provider. It also generated thousands of metafields (yes, you read that right), which caused our product exports to be over 1GB. Turns out there's an easy fix -- enable "Use hidden metafields" in the optimization settings, but it would have been nice if that was clearer. Our search was down for hours and cost big time.
The apps navigation is terrible and takes a while to get used to. I wish we could edit it / bookmark specific URLs. The SEO Editor should have it's own dedicated button in the nav IMO.
Other than that, the app does provide very useful information. We love that it's connected to Search Console. The SEO editor is well thought out and easy to use. We love that our copywriters can get a "score".
Overall, it's a very powerful app and we're happy to be using it. Just some growing pains.
Hi thank you for your candid review! Since SEO King has over 40 different tools, it's actually a challenge to organize them all within an effective menu system. Maybe we could add some quick shortcut buttons to the most popular tools directly below the main menu.
As for the images - you can bulk optimize them with the rename filenames option turned off - which would not cause an issue with indexing. However you wouldn't get the SEO benefits of renaming. We've seen this issue before with some Search tools - and we feel that the search tools are at fault here since they should be capable of auto re-indexing when photo filenames are changed. In the least they should have a 're-index' button in their app. I hope you can speak with them about adding this to their app as it would help out all their users.
We're glad you are enjoying the SEO Editor, it's definitely among the most powerful and it helps manage pages with multiple languages excellently as well. Cheers :)
efficient app for improving on-page SEO, offering features like automatic meta tags, image optimization, and bulk editing. While it streamlines SEO tasks, the UI could be more user-friendly, and some users report syncing issues. Overall, it's a solid choice for boosting store visibility.
We're glad you are enjoying the app, please let us know how to improve it to receive a 5-star review :)
This app does help and makes life much easier, there is room to improve it and being able to speak to someone in support would be excellent.
Thank you for the review. We've checked the logs and it appears you haven't contacted us yet. You can always reach us through the live chat widget in the app.
Overall a good app, although the latest update has been left with a few glitches like duplicate product images after running the Product Optimization process. No big deal but it would be nicer not having to deal with such minor things.
Hi, thank you for your review. We want to let you know that we have contacted you directly to resolve this issue.
From our experience, this problem is a result of having multiple compression apps running at the same time. When more than one app is modifying the photos of the same product, it can create duplicates.
Great app, great support, affordable price, documentation needs improvement ...
I purchased SEO King about a month ago. I would like to send out my thanks to Don at support. I had problems trying to understand how to set things up and Don answered all my questions in a friendly helpful way. The response was very fast, sometimes I asked a question on a weekend, and received an answer within a few hours, even though it was a weekend.
Support took me by the hand and guided me through setting things up. I just ran my first complete optimization and I'm really satisfied with the results!
The ONLY reason I didn't give 5 stars is because of the documentation. It is not clear where detailed documentation is located. Also I would have liked to see something like a "basic setup - step by step".
It is my understanding that they are working on improving the documentation and making video tutorials. In that case, then I would give 5 stars!
Hi, thanks for leaving a review. We understand that SEO King has a very large number of tools and it can be overwhelming. For this reason, it also has perhaps the most comprehensive FAQ available for any Shopify app with over 200 questions and answers covering all the tools. It also includes 12 Video Tutorials in the video tutorials section, which we are adding more every week. It also includes the most detailed "SEO Checklist" section available for any SEO Shopify App, which helps users identify exactly which steps to take next to improve their SEO. I hope that you can take the time to upgrade this review to a 5-star after using it a bit longer, as you should see how SEO King excels in so many ways to help you save time and money!
Diese App ist verwirrend, aber auch nicht immer funktionstüchtig.
Das System ist nicht mehr so schwerfällig wie früher.
Der support antwortet mir oft viel zu spät. Die Dinge müssen nämlich sofort geklärt werden, bevor bei google Probleme erkannt werden.
Meine Schlüsselwortanalyse war komplett falsch. Der Support meldet sich Tage später und sagte, das sei nicht so wichtig. Warum wird dann die App, die so schwerfällig und überfüllt ist, mit der angeblich unwichtigen Sache überlastet?
Außerdem steht in der App, dass es DOCH wichtig ist:
Liste der Schlüsselwörter, die auf Ihrer Homepage zu finden sind. Es ist wichtig, dass die Schlüsselwörter auf der Homepage mit dem Hauptschwerpunkt Ihres Shops übereinstimmen.>>>
Dann sah ich diese wirren falschen Homepage Schlüsselwörter:
await (44)const(47)doc (29)docref (23)docsnap (22)document (24)prodsts (24)return (26)this (73)var (42)
????????????? what ?????????? wtf
Natürlich nicht identisch mit meinen Schwerpunkt Schlüsselwörtern
Wird ja noch schlimmer. Habe diese Longtail-Schlüsselwörter hier gefunden:
await getdoc (9)await getdoc docref (9)await setdoc (18)await this (14)const docref (10)const docsnap (9)doc this (26)docref = doc (10)docsnap = await (9)getdoc docref (9)
Tags löschen hat nicht funktioniert. Ich wurde gefragt, was ich damit bezwecken würde. Ähm, ja löschen?
Ich habe die AI dazu angewiesen, die Textlänge X nicht zu überschreiten. Außerdem diese abgegessenen Formulierungen "entdecken sie" und erleben sie" zu vermeiden.
Aktuelle Meta-Beschreibung (rot) und Neue Meta-Beschreibung (grün) funktionieren nicht oder sind nicht einfach zu verstehen. Ich kann machen, was ich will, oft werden neue Texte nicht zu aktuellen Texten.
Mein Standpunkt jetzt:
Ich benutze die app für einige Funktionen, die ich okay finde und andere Funktionen habe ich zu anderen apps ausgelagert. Ich hoffe, dass das Ranking endlich mal an Fahrt gewinnt.
Vielen Dank für Ihr ausführliches Feedback. Ich verstehe Ihre Frustration über die technischen Probleme, insbesondere über die Probleme bei der Keyword-Analyse. Wir haben Ihre E-Mail erhalten und unser Team untersucht aktiv diese Probleme. Ich würde mich gerne direkt mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um auf Ihre Bedenken einzugehen. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mails auf unsere Antwort oder kontaktieren Sie mich unter
I used it and I find it intuitive and friendly, though some functionalities seems that are either not available or not easy to that case my bed.I have not felt to have to contact the support team.