Sesami: Appointment Booking
- 定价
提供免费套餐。 提供免费试用。
- 亮点
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
- 评分
- 4.6 (417)
- 开发人员
- Sesami Inc.
使用 Sesami 平台全渠道增加您的预订、收入和客户保留。
Sesami 允许您在线和店内为服务、体验、活动、研讨会和课程提供预约。Sesami 一直是美容、健康、健身、零售、体验和活动行业顶级品牌的预约平台首选。 通过 Sesami Flows 和 SDK 等专业工具,我们将商务带入服务业,并为预约美发沙龙、水疗中心、时尚造型、旅行、课程、水疗、珠宝、纹身和穿孔服务等提供下一代能力!
- 使用不同的日历体验或我们的 SDK 自定义预订流程。
- 使用 Sesami Flows 或 Klaviyo 集成发送提醒或感谢邮件。
- 扩展并走向全球!Sesami 支持多种语言和全球时区。
- 与许多代理合作伙伴和集成的合作友好应用。
- 立即安装。设置只需几分钟;索取您的入职电话。
- 亮点
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
Shopify POS, Google Calendar, Klaviyo, Slack, Calendar .ics, Omnisend, Sendlane活动类型
- 前 30 天 100% 免费开始。
- 对合作伙伴和开发商店永久 100% 免费。
- 无需信用卡。
- 包括所有功能。
$19 /月
- 5 个团队成员
- 1 个 Sesami Flow
- 即时预订
- 提醒或跟进邮件
- 谷歌日历同步
- 多语言
- 入职电话
30 天免费试用
$49 /月
- 10 个团队成员
- 3 个 Sesami Flows
- 团体预约
- Shopify POS 集成
- 客户重新安排和取消
- 所有小型功能
30 天免费试用
$129 /月
- 20 个团队成员
- 6 个 Sesami Flows
- Klaviyo 集成
- 预约报告
- 移除 Sesami 品牌
- 所有中型功能
30 天免费试用
评论 (417)
Sesami suddenly took off all of my availability for bookings and I was not notified nor did i change any settings. i did not have an bookings for a month due to my clients seeing no availability for any date on forward.
This booking app has helped how I manage my business with its intuitive interface, customizable options, and seamless integrations. The professional appearance leaves a great impression on clients. Excellent customer support rounds out this indispensable tool for any professional.
My website was set in 2019 to sell services and did so since then, but with a checkout process and UX originally meant for physical products
There was enough content before the checkout so that customers understood what was happening but it was not for everyone, and not optimal
On the side, a booking solution was set to have some level of scheduling but it could only run in one language at the time (I need 3) and as a separate system, not all customers could find it, prices needed to be replicated all the time and there was limited bundled content
All that while the primary website had everything to sell services but was thoroughly missing a proper checkout process for services
So it's like the site was always waiting for Sesami to exist
It took me a few hours to get everything set, and customers started using it on the next day, which is amazing, on top of that Sesami opened several ways to do several new things, like have 2 bookable workflows at the same time
Customer support is great!
They were fast in helping me to set up the services for my shop.
They are so easy to work with and always willing to help
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