Reseñas (18)

Calificación general
Recuentos por nivel de calificación
  • El 67% de las calificaciones son de 5 estrellas
  • El 0% de las calificaciones son de 4 estrellas
  • El 6% de las calificaciones son de 3 estrellas
  • El 0% de las calificaciones son de 2 estrellas
  • El 28% de las calificaciones son de 1 estrellas
21 de febrero de 2020

Tech support is absolutely amazing! Everything I need this app to do was carefully thought out and a solution or formula was devised to make sure I was getting everything I needed. The price tag is a little steep for a monthly fee for an app, but these guys definitely work for their money! ❤️❤️❤️

Al’s Alley
Estados Unidos
Alrededor de 3 años usando la aplicación
10 de noviembre de 2022

App has been trying to sync for 3 days (8000 minutes left and increasing..). There is no option to CANCEL.
Support, what is going on?

Más de 2 años usando la aplicación
6 de junio de 2023

I have connected 2 stores, and have requested support (took some days to get an answer, and found out that they answer to the gmail account that is linked to gsheets).
Important to mention that It only brings data from all order AFTER the date you connect the app.
I use it for demand and inventory tracking, and bulk updates. Great product considering the price.

Armbrust American
Estados Unidos
Más de 2 años usando la aplicación
14 de noviembre de 2022

Great app. Used it to sync orders with a custom in Google AppSheet app to enable almost real-time order/stock management system which syncs automatically with Shopify

Time Resistance
Más de 2 años usando la aplicación
29 de enero de 2020

Application très pratique, c'est ma deuxième application et je ne suis pas déçu, le SAV est au top !

Destockage Matelas
Alrededor de 2 años usando la aplicación
Feed.Biz respondió 5 de febrero de 2020

Merci beaucoup pour votre évaluation, nous apprécions énormément.

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter en cas de besoin,

A bientôt !

23 de enero de 2021

excellent support from the team. The app will help us a lot manage our brands catalogues in a "professionnal" way : with metafields and good structure, easier to understand for our brands.

Casi 2 años usando la aplicación
21 de agosto de 2021

Has been working flawlessly and saves us so much time. Had a few questions and the delelopers are quick to respond and very helpful. Highly recommended.

Más de 1 año usando la aplicación
23 de agosto de 2020

Great little app that makes my life a lot easier. We sell cooked meals that customers can have delivered or pickup from our shop. Because our team need to be able to schedule production of orders based on type, delivery runs, and order times I need to be able to extract my order info from Shopify into a sheet where I can manipulate the info to give me production schedules and delivery route run downs. The G Sheets app pulls this info cleanly into an easy to use format that lets me build around the imported info. The auto-update feature is a fantastic recent addition that keeps my info current without breaking any links or formulas in the sheets. But the best part has been over the last week when I added in the new shopify feature, local pickup, and needed an extra field to separate delivery orders from pickups. I sent the team a message, Olivier got back to me promptly and worked with me to find a solution and update the app to get me the info I needed. Great app with great support.

Recess Kitchen
Alrededor de 1 año usando la aplicación
27 de mayo de 2020

It has been incredibly helpful for our operations! Olivier and his team are extremely responsive and accomodating. There are some minor glitches, otherwise, the team is super supportive. Can't recommend it enough!!!

Shop Suki
11 meses usando la aplicación
Fecha de modificación: 25 de agosto de 2023

EDIT: Thank you for fixing the app. :) I'll bump this back up to a 5-star. I wish I heard back sooner because this app was very important to my business, but I'm glad everything was fixed. Thank you for following up!

=== OLD REVIEW ===

I really really love this app, but recently something happened and it's just not working anymore. :( Our team depended on this app for a lot of our internal spreadsheets for forecasting inventory.

I reached out about my issue and the solution I was given was to reconnect my Google account, which I did, and that didn't fix it. I even manually removed the permissions in my Google Account, reinstalled the app, and nothing is working. It's actually missing features after I reinstalled it. I'm really not sure what happened.

Please fix this app! I haven't received a reply in a week beyond the initial "reconnect your Google account" response I received.

Estados Unidos
10 meses usando la aplicación