
CSV取り込みはもう不要。Ship&coは【複数店舗の注文の一元管理】【送料の比較(海外向け)】【送り状・インボイス(海外向け)の発行】【発送済みステイタスの自動更新と追跡番号の同期】【発送通知メールの自動送信】【配送状況の確認(一部運送会社)】までの出荷業務を1つのインターフェイスで完了します。 注文データと運送会社アカウントを直接アプリで繋ぐことで、手作業によるミスを減らし、より安全にデータ管理いただけます。国内向けに発送されている場合は【配達日時指定データの自動連携機能】も。 ShopifyセラーとしてのEC経験をもとに開発した、Shopifyセラーのためのアプリです。
- 送り状発行に必要な注文データをリアルタイムに同期し、最短1〜2クリックで送り状を素早く発行(海外向けは電子インボイス対応のため、殆どの場合インボイス印刷は不要!
- 送り状発行後、店舗の注文ステイタスを発送済みに更新し追跡番号を自動同期、発送通知メールも同時に自動送信
- 一度に最大50件の送り状を一括発行可能(ヤマト運輸、佐川急便、日本郵便、国際郵便に対応)
- 海外発送の概算送料を一目で比較(セラー様と運送会社の契約送料を表示)
- 注文タグの同期、HSコード・品目情報の同期(海外向け)、配達日時指定情報の同期(国内向け)などの便利機能も利用可能
- ハイライト
- 最新テーマに対応
英語、 フランス語、と 日本語
- チェックアウト
- Fedex
- ヤマト
- 佐川
- 国際郵便
- ゆうパック
Shopify請求書とは別に、Ship&coによる外部請求がある場合があります。 詳しくはこちら
$9 /月
- 月額合計:¥2090
- 50件を超える場合、¥22/件
- お持ちの運送会社アカウントを利用可能。
$30 /月
- 月額合計:¥3960
- 50件を超える場合、¥19/件
- お持ちの運送会社アカウントを利用可能。
$50 /月
- 月額合計:¥6545
- 50件を超える場合、¥18/件
- お持ちの運送会社アカウントを利用可能。
$125 /月
- 月額合計:¥15400
- 50件を超える場合、¥15/件
- お持ちの運送会社アカウントを利用可能。
すべての料金はUSDで請求されます。 定期請求と使用料に基づく請求は、30日ごとに行われます。 すべての価格オプションを見る
レビュー (115)
it's good but... their support is just email.
It would be nice if they could clearly put this on their website instead of having a new customer trawl through their website trying to find a solution.
If you have confidence that your email isn't going off into the nether to be ignored it makes you happy - turns out - they DO respond super quick- but I didn't enjoy feeling OMG here we go, no chat, no phone, just a contact form- I was delighted with the help I received btw and this app is a game changer
Thank you for taking the time to leave a review on the Shopify App Store.
We’re sorry to hear that we didn’t meet your expectations, especially in terms of support response time. Could you let us know when we were late to respond? We’d like to investigate the issue and ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Regarding the email you sent on September 19th at 11:53, we replied promptly at 12:03 and followed up again at 21:46 to confirm that the issue with your Shopify order sync had been resolved. If you didn’t receive our replies, could you check your spam folder? It’s possible they were mistakenly filtered.
As for phone support: We used to accept calls, but as a small team, we found ourselves spending hours on the phone, which affected our ability to respond to everyone efficiently. Our data shows that resolving issues via email is usually faster and more effective, especially when we need screenshots or to provide detailed instructions.
That said, we do offer the option to book an online demo or call for new customers. If you have any questions or would like to set up a demo, we’re more than happy to help.
Once again, thank you for your feedback, and we truly value your business.
We've been using this app for years already and it was really helpful to speedup our fulfillment process. We are still having some performance issues but I found a workaround (yes just a workaround) so we were able to continue using it. I reported the performance issue before but I was just told that it is NOT happening on their side and did not investigate further. I was using this app because I can make sure that the shipping address is correct, I can use the product types I listed on Ship&Co instead of the product names we used in Shopify so it will be easier for the Japan Post staff to understand what are the contents of the box.
However, they made a recent change wherein we can no longer register multiple product types with the same HS code. When I reported it, I was just told that "hopefully, you'll find some common description that will work for your items". I discovered this issue when I tried to clean up my registered product types on Ship&Co because I got an error when I tried to save them and all my changes were gone.
I hope someone can understand the issue we reported because I am already losing hope in this product.
Thank you for leaving a review, and we are really sorry if we disappointed you in any way.
As for not being able to register multiple product types with the same HS code, we recently reverted the change after careful consideration. We hope this decision of ours makes things easy for you again.
Thank you for your continues support.
- 複数のアイテム選択時などに、スプレッドシートのようにShiftを押しながらチェックをまとめてつけれる機能などがない。
- 配送指定日がランダムなタイミングでシステム側で入力されゆうパケットなど配送指定日項目が不要であるにもかかわらずエラーで1つ1つ修正せざるを得ないケースがしばしば発生する
- 配送方法のデフォルト設定ができず毎回手作業での選択になるため、配送オペレーションにて指定ミスなどが発生しやすい