Reseñas (63)
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I found the app very capable. Originally I came to the app to use metafields for inputting product dimensions. (Which is great!) Sadly if you are using dimensions for your products to generate shipping rates this app will not tell you the box sizes used for the real-time quotes and placed orders. The box sizes are NOT accessible by shipperhq website, shopify order attributes or notes or metafields, api, or any other way. This feature IS included on the other ~ 5 eCommerce platforms shipperhq supports but not shopify. Obviously this is extremely disappointing. Their staff told me that shopify isn't capable of holding box data (like in shopify order attributes or notes or metafields). I will let you decide for yourself if that is true. I don't think this app is very feasible to use because of this limitation with that regard.
Thanks so much for the feedback about metafields. We are working to improve order details that are returned to Shopify. The upcoming changes will provide access to a lot more data about the order’s shipping details including box sizes, packing information and much more. Stay tuned!