Avis (84)
Par note
Very good app and very friendly customer service, they can help you resolve any issue quickly and very proffessional
OK so, third update to the review......
The first review was 1 star as we had no technical support and arranged meetings with ShippyPro, which they failed to attend and have admitted this in emails. They only reached out to me once I'd posted a 1 star review!
The second review was 4 stars for the reasons below.....
After a bumpy start, the support has been very good and on point.
I've not given it 5 stars as we use UPS, DPD & Royal Mail for shipping. UPS is great as we only have to input our account details and it automatically pulls over all the rates, which is great, works as advertised.
DPD on the other hand, we have to input all the different rates for weights and zones for the whole world! This is going to take at least a few full days of data entry to accomplish and not a pleasant job. We haven't done this yet so, cannot use all the functions of the app. Will update when we've done so.
Royal Mail does not work at all. Support have said that they are in negotiations with Royal Mail at the moment, but they really shouldn't advertise that the app uses them if it cannot.
The UI is easy to navigate and reasonably intuitive to pick up. We only wanted an app like this to instantly provide customers with tracking numbers as soon as their order is fulfilled. This alone will save us between one and two hours a day!
Will update once we've got all the feeds up and running used it for a couple of months.....
Third review....
So, I ended up deciding to give ShippyPro a shot and went ahead and bought a monthly plan, wish I hadn't for the following reasons.....
I needed to input all the DPD rates manually. This meant setting up around an extra 30 couriers, even though they were all DPD, one for every different rate. The problem is that to be able to add more than one courier you have to purchase their monthly or annual scheme. I went ahead and did this so I could enter all the extra DPD rates. I then fell ill and did not get to complete the task. I then went to enter all the details two weeks later and found I couldn't any more! Turns out you have to purchase your units (one unit is one shipping label etc) in advance, but if you don't use them that month you lose them, they do not carry over! This means any that you have purchased and not used, you lose. This model is totally flawed as you have to buy more than you think you might need depending on sales. You're always going to have surplus that you've paid for, but not used so, you're losing money every month.
I complained about this and they said they would carry it over for one month for me, but were quite emphatic in saying this will never happen again.
And still no Royal Mail even though they're still advertising as usable on their platform! I wonder how many others don't actually work either.
I've now deleted the app and chalked up the lose of money up to experience.
Sorry, but I cannot recommend this app at all.....
Very very good app...perfectly integrated with Shopify, so fast so good, The only thing they need to get better is their support, that basically seems not exist, i tried to contact them so many times to implement other courieers but nobody replied and in the end i realized that they get paied for this service, thing that i really dont understand, since now im using those curieer outside their app
IMPOSSIBILE NON AVERLA . ho istallato da qualche settimana questa appllicazone , sono IPER -SODDISFATTO . Aldilà del fatto che si gratis , per me hanno colto a pieno le problematiche trattate spedizioni corrieri . una piattaforma che ti permette di fare tutto in pochi click . assistenza anche in ITALIANO e persoanle gentilissimo che RISPONDE SUBITO . che dire , BRAVI RAGAZZI . Continuate così ;)
Servizio in continuo peggioramento, non riescono a risolvere i bug, quando rispondono dall'assistena sembrano Bot, continua a rimanere l'interfaccia della "nuova esperienza" e mi domando se non fosse più semplice levarla e fare una interfaccia sola e funzionante. Un vero peccato, attratto dal made in italy, ma con la fine del mese sospendo anche io il rinnovo perchè cosi non va bene, dovete cambiare qualcosa e in fretta. Lo scopo di questa applicazione è velocizzare i tempi di lavoro, ma causa bug costanti tutto viene rallentato e di conseguena si perde tempo a scrive all'assistenza. Veramente deluso.
Ciao! Ci dispiace molto che la tua esperienza con ShippyPro non sia stata all’altezza delle tue aspettative da lasciare questa review in più piattaforme. Dopo aver preso contatti diretti e aver analizzato la problematica che segnali, i nostri tecnici hanno riscontrato che sembra essere riconducibile al Corriere stesso. Stiamo indagando per risolvere al più presto e sarà nostra premura aggiornarti non appena avremmo news!
Il Team ShippyPro
If you want to import the orders to generate the labels, you have to pay the annual subscription, that is, the monthly subscription is useless.
The customer service is robotic, you ask something and they answer what they want.
I give it 2 stars because I imagine it will work, but I have not been able to verify it. After paying 70$ subscription for 500 shipments they tell me it's no good, that I have to pay the annual subscription.
Thank you for your feedback!
Once you have connected Shopify to your ShippyPro account we confirm that an annual subscription will provide you the added benefit of importing all orders automatically while a monthly one will allow you import only the last 25.
However, it is possible to easily import the rest of the orders that were present on your Shopify account before its connection to ShippyPro by uploading them in an Excel, a CSV or a TXT file. Here you can find the relevant step-by-step guide. https://help.shippypro.com/en/articles/3278315-how-to-import-excel-csv-or-txt-files-with-your-shipments-data
We hope that this clarification helps and we encourage you to contact us if you have any further questions. We'll be happy to assist you!
We installed the APP for managing domestic and overseas shipments with UPS...but unfortunately the API don't send the VAT code of my Company on the paperless documents UPS needs for customs, in few words: USELESS.
We contacted the customer service and all I got was: "It's our fault, but don't know when it will be solved, thank you". Please please, just fix this issue
The biggest problem is that this app will not add weight to all products like in their PRESTASHOP app. That's a huge downside because there's no such thing as "automation" if I need to fill 1000 orders by hand and check all of their weight.
The features for each marketplace are listed at the following page
As you can see parcel import is not available for Shopify
However you can obtain the same result by uploading an excel file with all the dimensions and weight for each SKU
Before I downloaded this app, I checked their official site and it clearly stated they supported my courier but after downloading it, it turns out it does not and it is still on the page which is very misleading.
I emailed them and they responded quickly but it does not seem like they communicated with each other, 3 different people sent me emails about the same issue.
Le service client ne répond pas au besoin. Qualité médiocre.
Le service client ne répond pas au besoin. Qualité médiocre.
Le service client ne répond pas au besoin. Qualité médiocre.