Avis (84)
Par note
I wrote a very positive review about ShippyPro back in may 2019. Over the last few months things have changed quite a bit for the worse - so I wanted to update the review, partly for the benefit of other business owners, and also in the slight chance that somebody at ShippyPro is taking the time to read feedback.
When it's working, the App has and does save an enormous amount of time in creating ...
too many munual operations to perform, e.g no possibilities to setting rules to split or merge order automatically
La app funziona complessivamente abbastanza bene ma con Shopify non si riescono a mostrare i punti ritiro nel live checkout. Per avere tale funzionalità avevo sottoscritto un piano Fast Growing di Shippypro ed effettuato un pagamento annuale a Shopify, come indicato nelle loro guide, spendendo soldi inutilmente. Il supporto tecnico è praticamente inesistente, non risponde né in chat né per email. ...
The app itself is okay, but the team is very bad!!
We have been over 6 hours in the live chat, as the plan was not working suddenly, without getting any answers. Hundreds of packages are waiting for fullfilment because of their service -.-
OK so, third update to the review......
The first review was 1 star as we had no technical support and arranged meetings with ShippyPro, which they failed to attend and have admitted this in emails. They only reached out to me once I'd posted a 1 star review!
The second review was 4 stars for the reasons below.....
After a bumpy start, the support has been very good and on point.
I've not given ...
If you want to import the orders to generate the labels, you have to pay the annual subscription, that is, the monthly subscription is useless.
The customer service is robotic, you ask something and they answer what they want.
I give it 2 stars because I imagine it will work, but I have not been able to verify it. After paying 70$ subscription for 500 shipments they tell me it's no good, that I ...
Thank you for your feedback!
Once you have connected Shopify to your ShippyPro account we confirm that an annual subscription will provide you the added benefit of importing ...
We installed the APP for managing domestic and overseas shipments with UPS...but unfortunately the API don't send the VAT code of my Company on the paperless documents UPS needs for customs, in few words: USELESS.
We contacted the customer service and all I got was: "It's our fault, but don't know when it will be solved, thank you". Please please, just fix this issue
The biggest problem is that this app will not add weight to all products like in their PRESTASHOP app. That's a huge downside because there's no such thing as "automation" if I need to fill 1000 orders by hand and check all of their weight.
The features for each marketplace are listed at the following page
As you can see parcel import is not ...
Before I downloaded this app, I checked their official site and it clearly stated they supported my courier but after downloading it, it turns out it does not and it is still on the page which is very misleading.
I emailed them and they responded quickly but it does not seem like they communicated with each other, 3 different people sent me emails about the same issue.
J'ai telechargé cette ap car c'est la seule qui gère Delivengo mais malheureusement cela ne fonctionne pas, impossible de créér une etiquette