评论 (124)

  • 61% 的评分是 5 星
  • 11% 的评分是 4 星
  • 8% 的评分是 3 星
  • 4% 的评分是 2 星
  • 15% 的评分是 1 星


aldeib shop
2天 人在使用应用
Eggflow已回复 2022年12月4日

Thanks for taking out time to rate us. It really helps us to keep going and delivering the best :)


Gostei muito do aplicativo pois nos esforçamos bastante para fazer a página do produto, e fica difícil de outras pessoas pegar as mesmas informações. Gostei mais ainda por ter a opção de gratuito.

Cantinho Especial
大约3小时 人在使用应用
Eggflow已回复 2019年8月18日


Obrigado por nos escolher. Isso nos deixa felizes em ouvir.

Seu feedback nos ajuda a melhorar nossos produtos e serviços.
Espero que você tenha experiências maravilhosas na próxima vez.

Entre em contato conosco através do nosso chat ao vivo ou pelo e-mail felicia@eggflow.com para que possamos oferecer nosso suporte caso você precise.

Boa sorte com o seu negócio!
Equipe de Suporte Eggflow


July 29th. I thought I would install it once more, just to see if they fixed the issues. This time I noticed they require access to each and every product's script tags. What are they doing with this VERY valuable information? Selling it to other store? I spend MANY HOURS coming up with my script tags, and there is no reason at all that an app, designed to block visitors based on their country, would need access to..well..everything they require access too.

Yeah, I uninstalled it..again.

June 11th review.

I would rate this ZERO, but that isn't an option. So instead I will paste my email to "Support" (That's tough to type without laughing) and the response they gave.

My recommendation: Go with literally any other app.

My message to Support. I could have been more "clear", but surely I was understandable.


I am having trouble with the country blocker app. I blocked all countries except for the U.S., which is the only country I ship to right now.

I'm in Canada, but I understand that the app doesn't block administrators. I used an incognito browser to check if I would be blocked, and I wasn't.

Then I opened up my VPN and set my IP to France. I opened a regular browser, and I was not blocked. Then I also tried an incognito browser, and I wasn't blocked.

It is just that there is a delay after initial installation, and I need to give it some time?

Support's response.

Hi ,
The administrators of the website will not be block in any case. Can I ask why you would like to block admin of the website?

R L Merchandise
大约20小时 人在使用应用

top muito bom app gostei muito recomendo para todos que usam shopify obrigadooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Play Gold
大约2小时 人在使用应用
Eggflow已回复 2019年7月9日


Obrigado por nos escolher. Isso nos deixa felizes em ouvir.

Seu feedback nos ajuda a melhorar nossos produtos e serviços.
Espero que você tenha experiências maravilhosas na próxima vez.

Caso necessite de mais informações, não hesite em nos contatar através de serviço de chat ou e-mail.

Tenha um bom dia e boa sorte com o seu negócio!
Equipe de Suporte Eggflow


To be honest... I'm not crazy about this app. It doesn't block the way I would hope. After testing it by using a VPN, I actually was able to gain access to the site... for about 1-2 seconds before the redirect took place... I'm using this app to block a large increase of traffic from countries I am not yet ready to do business with and it's hurting my marketing analytics... So I'll keep the app for now and see if the 1-2 seconds still registers in my analytics. If it does not... then I will update my rating. If it does... I will update my rating.

L'Ouverture Coffee Ltd.
大约22小时 人在使用应用

Rodrigo Oliver
ótimo aplicativo estou muito contente por usar e muito seguro e fácil de configurar muito bom mesmo

27分钟 人在使用应用

Right now on trail basis testing it out. Will update review when we test how effective the services are.

Titan International Knive
27分钟 人在使用应用
Eggflow已回复 2020年5月20日

Hi there,

Thank you for your feedback.

We hope that you will have wonderful experiences and new reviews in the future.

Please contact us if you need any assistance or information via live chat or email ( felicia@eggflow.com)

Have a lovely day!
Felicia | Eggflow Support Team.


Eu adorei o app, me traz mais segurança e mais autenticidade pois, outros usuários não conseguem copiar minhas estrategias.

14分钟 人在使用应用
Eggflow已回复 2019年7月11日


Obrigado por nos escolher. Estamos contentes por podermos ajudar.

Seu feedback nos ajuda a melhorar nossos produtos e serviços. Além disso, poderíamos trazer muitos benefícios aos usuários.

Caso necessite de mais informações, não hesite em nos contatar através de serviço de chat ou e-mail.

Tenha um bom dia e boa sorte com sua loja!
Equipe de Suporte Eggflow


the app is not doing anything, blocked the countries, still the traffic is coming , uninsatlling, hope the remove their code from my theme.

33Möbel Store
大约2小时 人在使用应用
Eggflow已回复 2021年3月29日

Hi there,

Thank you for your feedback.

Our technicians checked the apps that you used, they don't see any errors.

There might be some misunderstandings about how the app works.

Thus, to learn more knowledge about the apps, please do refer to our FAQ: https://help.eggflow.com/category/frequently-asked-questions/ We hope that we will have a chance to support you if you use our apps again.

Please contact us via live chat or email ( felicia@eggflow.com) if you need any assistance.

Have a great day!

Eggflow Support Team.


I managed to block my own IP address and don't know how to get access back. I am very frustrated with this service.

Teach, Laugh, Repeat
大约1小时 人在使用应用