Reseñas (1.843)

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  • El 68% de las calificaciones son de 5 estrellas
  • El 18% de las calificaciones son de 4 estrellas
  • El 5% de las calificaciones son de 3 estrellas
  • El 3% de las calificaciones son de 2 estrellas
  • El 6% de las calificaciones son de 1 estrellas
31 de octubre de 2020

It's a GREAT app to send basic newsletters, however, for 5 stars it would need to have additional features like i.e. the option to insert responsive grids, more fonts and custom fonts. Other than that we are very happy that we can use a stable and safe app that is very easy to use. Thank you Shopify for enabling us to not have to use 3rd party apps.

Danny Albu
4 meses usando la aplicación
5 de marzo de 2023

The app keeps shutting down while using the editor. This app is nog usable for me. I haven't even started an emailcampaign because of the bugs

Países Bajos
9 meses usando la aplicación
Shopify respondió 9 de marzo de 2023

Hey, there. I'm sorry to hear that the app keeps crashing for you. I'd recommend starting with some troubleshooting steps to rule out any local errors: please trying clearing your browser's cache (, and making sure your browser is updated. If you're using a mobile device, please make sure both the app and your device are on their latest version updates as well. If you're still encountering errors with the app, please reach out to our Support team for further troubleshooting: Thank you! - Brie, Shopify Support

27 de julio de 2021

I used this to send out a marketing email to my customers. It was fine to set up although I needed help to add something to my DNS setting because test emails weren't going through which is weird because Shopify is my host. Unlike Mailchimp though you can't do anything more after sending it. You can't see who opened the email and send them further marketing, nothing. I'll continue using Mailchimp until Shopify actually starts to take this seriously because right now it's just not very good.

Catherine Iskiw Designs
Estados Unidos
11 meses usando la aplicación
Shopify respondió 10 de agosto de 2021

I'm glad to hear that you were able to get Shopify Email set up despite the issue with your DNS settings, and thank you for sharing your experience using the app with us here.

Shopify Email is still a relatively new app and our development team continue to build it over time. However, I can see why being able to view open rates and other analytics would be helpful in terms of evaluating your marketing strategy, so I will be sure to pass your feedback onto them for their consideration. -Victor, Shopify Support

15 de abril de 2020

Similar to other review Installed it on 4 different stores and have followed the just met with the same message "Shopify email will be available soon". Why announce that it's released to everyone if it's not?

Gladiator Fitness
9 meses usando la aplicación
Shopify respondió 17 de abril de 2020

Hey there!

Amy here from Shopify. I wanted to take a minute to follow up with you and thank you for your feedback. Its feedback like this that helps us to improve! I'm going to send you an email to open up the lines of communication and see what I can do for you.

Amy l Shopify

8 de julio de 2020

Not sure if I'm using the app wrong, but it only imports 690 of the 2200 people on the customer list, despite stating that there is no limitation on the number of subscribers.

Alpine Princess
8 meses usando la aplicación
Shopify respondió 20 de julio de 2020

Hey there,

Claire here from Shopify. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. Our team are consistently working to improve the app and add functionality to suit our Merchants needs. The app should allow you to email all of the customers who have subscribed to your email list. I'm going to follow up with you with an email to open up the lines of communication here so I can help you further here.

Claire l Shopify

11 de abril de 2021

Do not work with ICloud, mails do no get sent to customers. I contacted shopify for that but no answer ...

Madame Orgasme
8 meses usando la aplicación
Shopify respondió 21 de abril de 2021

Hey there,

Claire here from Shopify. Thank you for taking the time to share your review of the Shopify Email app with us. I'm going to follow up with you in an email to open up the lines of communication here so I can see if I can help you any further with getting the app set up and working for your store.

Claire l Shopify

22 de septiembre de 2023

I have been using this for 6 months now and it has NEVER sent more than a handful of emails despite lots of unuseful techno wizard explanations from shopify help. I have a list that is 98% opted in and their solution is to segment the list further. This is not something my business naturally does as it is very niche and there is no key data in which to do this other than alphabetically.

I discover from the help that although the app allows you to send 10,000 emails a month, you cannot send more than 1,000 per day. So if you have a list of 7,000 and want to send one email to all per month, you have to import seven different lists as the shopify app doesn't allow segmentation into groups of 1000.

Definitely something to be aware of.

Reino Unido
8 meses usando la aplicación
Shopify respondió 26 de septiembre de 2023

Hi there. Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback, we truly appreciate it. We can completely understand the benefit of having that as a feature for the app. I've gone ahead and shared your feedback with our developers to consider in future updates. - Blair, Shopify Support

26 de octubre de 2020

There is potential here but it's a little bit too basic. They have literally a handful of templates and right now they're all about Black Friday. Small business owners like me like to have some content already created (welcoming new subscribers, product launch etc ) to take the guess work away because I don't have time to exist already. This is an app with good intentions but it has a long way to go.

Estados Unidos
8 meses usando la aplicación
Shopify respondió 27 de octubre de 2020

Hey there,

Charlotte here from Shopify Support. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. At the moment, there are options for Black Friday email templates, and some without any Black Friday branding. You can find these by scrolling further down the email templates list. These non-Black Friday templates also include a blank template for you to create your own email design!

Additionally, there is an option to customize your New Subscribers email within the Settings > Notifications area of your admin. This can be found by scrolling down on this page, and is under the "Email marketing" section - the email that is sent out to customers when they sign up for your newsletter can be found on this list and is called "Confirmation email."

I would be happy to follow up with you and help you through these features. I will send you an email so that we can chat further and you can provide us with more feedback! Our team is consistently working to improve the app and add functionality to suit our merchants needs, so any additional feedback you may have would be great to hear.

Charlotte | Shopify Support

30 de enero de 2021

I used this app to begin my marketing emails. It's so convenient to have this service built in (as it wasn't offered before). I just scheduled my first campaign and look forward to see how it performs. I would like to see more editing features offered in this service. Currently I can only make simple layouts with little editing abilities, but hope to cancel my other email marketing service and just all my marketing consolidated in my shopify account.. which I think is a HUGE plus.
Estados Unidos
4 meses usando la aplicación
Fecha de modificación: 15 de diciembre de 2020

I would strongly advice AGAINST using this app, especially if you're coming from another email marketing service. It lacks basic features and is unreliable. As a backstory - we do not require registrations on our website to place an order and sometimes people misspell their email addresses. This will result in hard/soft bounces from this app. If you reach the limit of 5% bounce rate (which if you have used another marketing service before and have a substantial subscriber base is almost guaranteed) the campaign will FAIL. What that means is that a small portion of the subscribers will receive the email and the rest will not. This happened to us and we only had 5000 subscribers of which just the first 950 emails were delivered. We contacted support and there was nothing they could or wanted do about it. That lead to lost revenue, because we expect 6-8% conversion rate from those emails. We can't even use our previous marketing service since the people who already got the email (those 950 subscribers) or their mail services are highly likely to mark it as spam now if we try to resend. So we're stuck in limbo and our holiday sale campaign (at least as long as email marketing is concerned) is ruined.

8 meses usando la aplicación
Shopify respondió 17 de diciembre de 2020

Hey there,

Amy here from Shopify Support. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. Our team is consistently working to improve the app and it’s feedback like this that helps us do that. I’m going to follow up with you with an email, to open up the lines of communication here, so I can provide your feedback to my team.

Amy | Shopify Support