Shopify Formsでリード獲得用フォームを簡単に追加でき、新規のメール登録者や卸売顧客など、潜在顧客の獲得につながります。 ポップアップ、オーバーレイ、インラインのフォームで情報収集が可能。フォームに色や画像を追加し、メッセージやディスカウントなどをカスタマイズしましょう。メールアドレスから電話番号、カスタムメタフィールドまで、必要なデータを収集します。Shopのユーザーは、獲得したクーポンを後で使用するために保存することもできます。パフォーマンス指標も分析できるので、今後の改善に役立てていきましょう。
- ポップアップやインラインのフォームでリードを獲得し、新規顧客にタグを付けましょう
- テキスト、画像、メタフィールド、ディスカウント、トリガーでフォームをカスタマイズ
- カスタマイズ可能なアカウントリクエストフォームで、卸売のリードを獲得しましょう
- 1億人を超えるShopユーザーのコンバージョンを自動的に増加させます
- 顧客データの保存、セグメント化、活用はすべて安全な単一プラットフォームで実施
- ハイライト
- アメリカのビジネスに人気
- 管理画面で直接操作
- 最新テーマに対応
英語、 中国語 (簡体字)、 中国語 (繁体字)、 チェコ語、 デンマーク語、 オランダ語、 フィンランド語、 フランス語、 ドイツ語、 イタリア語、 日本語、 韓国語、 ノルウェー語、 ポーランド語、 ポルトガル語 (ブラジル)、 ポルトガル語 (ポルトガル)、 スペイン語、 スウェーデン語、 タイ語、 トルコ語、と ベトナム語
Shopify Emailカテゴリー
レビュー (132)
Looks great and simple to use. Sure there are some features not available but it works well and integrates perfectly.
I received help for my query after a day or so. The founder, explained that it was possible to embed as an inline form. I just needed to create a template for this from my 'page' (this is where my content was and where I wanted the form to appear. Once a template was created in the theme customiser, it was straightforward to add the app block and then input the app ID so it appeared on the page.
Very relieved to get this help and hopefully they will be updating the knowledge content to explain this with even more clarity as on first glance it doesn't seem possible to embed at all.
Hi there. I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with enabling a form on your theme. A few steps you can take to troubleshoot are:
- Enable Theme App Embeds: First, ensure that the theme app embed is activated on your store. You can follow the instructions in this help document to set it up correctly: https://shopify.link/ozB1.
- Add an App Block for Inline Forms: If you're using an inline form, you'll need to take an additional step. Add an app block to your theme and attach the inline form ID. Detailed instructions can be found here: https://shopify.link/rJAB.
If after taking a peek at that help doc and you're still experiencing troubles, please feel free to connect with our Live Support: https://bit.ly/2AWw5VA
I want the forms app not to make it required to capture a phone number or an e-mail. Also being able to customize the css of the forms would be nice. Sometimes dropdown menu's won't open and you have to remake them again. Decent app for now but needs some updates to be great.
Hey there! Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Shopify Forms app. Our goal is to provide the best forms app on the market. I'll be happy to pass this along to our development team for potential future implementation. - Dirk, Shopify Support
Love how it integrates nicely with shopify emails, shopify flow, shopify discounts and allows easy tagging (which you'll use for flow). Love that its free!
However, it's a bit of a learning curve for beginners as there aren't a lot of video resources/ tutorials when it comes to integrating it with other shopify apps, and using tags.
Also CSS design changes are limited, as the app doesn't allow targeting for CSS within the forms. I was able to target the section/container the form lives in and do some design stuff there, but thats about it. You are stuck with the design options the app gives you in the editor (which is sufficient for most forms).
Good as a pop-up form. So would give it a 4.
Lacks in functionality though, would be great if their was more integration with Shopify to allow:
- Custom Contact Forms
- Integration with Email for post purchase form as an example
Given its a Shopify App, I expected a bit more basic functionality.
Hi there! Thanks for the review.
This should actually be possible. Try creating a custom inline form, saving it to a page. Then add a link to that form from your email. I hope that helps!
- Kyle
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