Rezensionen (286)
Nach Bewertung
Ich bin schwer genervt, war in ewigen Chats, habe natürlich keine versierten HTML-Kenntnisse und verzweifelt versucht unsere Invoices B2B und B2C mit dieser App wieder hinzubekommen. Ein Albtraum, der viel Zeit kostet für bitte was? Ich verstehe nicht wirklich was diese neue Order Printer App soll? Gut fände ich, wenn man wählen könnte, ob man die neue installieren möchte oder einfach seine "alte ...
Packing list should not have price information on it.
Copy and past old templates does not carry everything over.
Hey there! Thanks for your review. I'm pleased to let you know we've removed the prices from the packing slip. If you still see them on your end, I suggest creating a support ...
None of the shipping details print out on this new APP - don't know if it is regular, expedited, post, courier etc
This needs to be FIXED
We appreciate your feedback regarding the new Order Printer app.
We are committed to improving the new app to meet the needs and expectations of our users. Your input helps ...
I don't think I've ever been more mad at a developer than I am at the Shopify devs right now.
They've bugged the legacy invoice generator and are too stupid to just roll it back like any other platform would do. The fact they apparently don't have regression testing for the biggest e-commerce platform on Earth is mind boggling.
Hi there! Thank you for reaching out and sharing your review. We appreciate your input, and I want to assure you that your comments are valuable to us. We will share your ...
Unfortunately, it is really hard to migrate your current templates if you have some custom CSS styles.
Hello, thanks for your feedback. I understand that dealing with the migration of templates containing custom CSS styles can be difficult, we have some fantastic guides to ...
The app says it is customizable, but it is not. you can not add logos, remove pricing, add instructions for use or anything. The legacy app was WAY better than this! DO NOT INSTALL.
Hi, there. Thanks for your review of the new Shopify Order Printer app. You are still able to add logos to your templates, but now you need to edit the HTML for your ...
By default is not showing the Customer info. Broken template by default.
Hey, there! Thanks for your review. If your templates aren't formatted as expected, feel free to contact us through the Help Center ( We would be ...
Definitely a huge step backwards. Now we can't select and copy multiple documents/orders at a time in the preview page.
We used to rely on this every day, copying and pasting into a blank text editor to generate a packing list of multiple orders in a single page.
Hi, there! Thank you for your review on the new Order Printer app. We have switched over to a different tech stack that provides a better foundation to grow and roll out ...
I was able to set up my previous templates here because I have some coding experience, but I think it would be difficult for those without any coding experience to do so. The help documentation only shows how to code some lines, and you cannot directly copy and paste over the old code (it won't format properly).
Even after I set up the templates the way I'd like and the previews showed the ...
Thank you for your review! I appreciate your feedback about ease of use for those who might not have coding knowledge. Regarding the missing information from your templates, ...
This app is horrible, the original worked much better.
Once again take something that works and trash it.
I am really starting to think the developers have never sold anything in there lives.
Hey, there! Thanks for your review. We definitely hear you and we appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. We'd love to learn more about the specific ...