리뷰 (109)
상세 검색
Doesn't support mobile view on your store
We apologize that you ran into issues using Shopify Subscriptions on Mobile. We've taken note of your feedback.
We value it for the evolution of our app!
Ameya Bongale
Product Manager, Subscriptions
doesn't even work properly, did not show on store front
We apologize you are having trouble with our app.
You may also find our help documentation useful - https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/products/purchase-options/shopify-subscriptions . If you need more help, please contact our support team at for assistance. We're here to help.
Hi there,
Thank you for your valuable feedback.
We have implemented your requested and shipped the ability to support translations to local languages in the app.
Hope this helps! We appreciate your continued assistance in the development of our app.
Ameya Bongale
Product Manager
Shopify Subscriptions