Rezensionen (7.429)
Nach Bewertung
Thanks a lot i think anybody have to install this app in the store! its like essential app for grow up your business
So far it has been great! I am still trying to play around the app so that I can get familiarized with it.
yet to explore but so far looks good! i hope it increase sales. if it does i will return for a second review
I appreciate the application,it solves the problem.I thank all your team for thinking and creating the application.if you can try to revisit the text edit to try to make it automatic the maximum possible
Muito bom! Só achei pouco intuitivo e podia ter mais localidades para adicionar.
Fora isso nada a reclamar.
Great app. I had not give 5 stars just because I can not make the pop-ups appears on specific product pages. It appears in all pages and if could be set for just some collections or product pages it would receive 5 stars!
meio falho ainda , tenho 2 vendas , elas ainda não estão aparecendo. nema antiga nem a mais nova...
No inicio estava ok, agora nao esta mais
Gostei do app! Parece fácil e prático de usar. Espero que supere as expectativas. Estou dando 4 estrelas.
Great stuff. Issue with scrolling down at one point but I figured it out. The bright pink color was a tad distracting, but I was able to change my site's pop ups and I thank you for the support. Lit.
This app is great to help your newly business get some recognition with your products that was recently sold, it'll help with potential buyers make a purchase with confidence.