评论 (7,423)
Obliger de mettre un commentaire avant de pouvoir tester l'application.
sinon elle à l'air bien ...........
Deveria ter uma versao em portugues fiz o teste mas nao apareceu de uma forma bacana no site pode ser devuido ao tema. Mas eh bem intuitivo
funciona bien, hasta el momento, .........................................................................................................
Haven't used it yet, but let's see! Seems like a great tool to provide social proof to potential customers
It can help our shop and it's free i just take it to try it and it seem's to be very complete and very simple to use
I am using this app to try and increase sales and I have heard it is very helpful by converting visitors into paying customers.
Ce produit et intéressant car il nous permet d'augmenter les ventes efficacement dans un délai très court.
Je recommande vivement cette application
Great App. I have nothing bad to say. Thanks........................................................
This app was easy to use and install. Good function. User-friendly. Hope it will help to boost sales on our website.
cfyghvjb,nhjvbknbuhj good app