Galleri med udvalgte billeder

Kontroller beskrivelsesstørrelsen ved at tillade din kunde at se mere eller mindre af produktbeskrivelsen.
Hvad er ToggleUp? Toggle Description-appen giver dig mulighed for at styre udseendet af lang tekst på dit site ved at tilføje brugerdefinerede "vis mere" og "vis mindre" links til tekstbeskrivelse, der overstiger et maksimalt antal ord eller tegn. Når brugerne klikker på disse links, vil teksten blive vist eller skjult. Du kan anvende det på produktbeskrivelser, samling beskrivelser, eller begge...
- Anvend toggle på produktside, samlingsside eller begge
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Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Administration af sider
$0.50 om måneden
2-dages gratis prøveperiode
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag.
Anmeldelser (9)
I really needed an app to hide long descriptions and this one is buggy sometime in the past. but i tried my luck again. and so far its working flawless. i think there is sometimes conflict with other code from other apps. but it is cheap and it does the job no harm in trying again.
jason dean online
It's what I was looking for my product descriptions. Simply perfect.
Excellent and simple
I spent most of the day trying to find a solution to make my descriptions collapsible for each collection. I even asked a chatbot to write me some code, but it scared me as I wasn't sure if it would work. The chatbot then suggested I look for an app on Shopify to solve my problem. After searching for a few minutes, I found an app with a single review that said it didn't work. However, I gave the ...
Perfect. Simple.. does what it says.
Spent ages on youtube trying to find out how to do this without an app, but nothing I found worked that well.
This was easy, took less than 2 mins to configure and it was working.
And the best bit is I didn't have to contact a support team to remove a watermark so they can ask me to leave a review :)
Appsupport leveres af Reveniux.
17 Waterloo Road, Lambeth, London, ENG, SE1 8XA, GB
22. juni 2022
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