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Udfyld nemt din udviklingsbutik med testprodukter, kollektioner, ordrer og kunder.
Generer eksempeldata med et enkelt klik. Vælg mellem tre forskellige eksempeldatasæt for at udfylde din butik med dummydata. Brug temaet "tøj/tilbehør", som understøtter produkter med flere varianter (størrelse og farve). Brug temaet "malerier", som understøtter produkter med en enkelt variant (option). Brug temaet "legetøj", som understøtter produkter med en enkelt variant (option). Generer produkter, smarte og tilpassede kollektioner, kunder og ordrer. Fjern nemt Shopify testdata.
- Generer nemt eksempeldata til din udviklingsbutik.
- Vælg mellem tre forskellige eksempeldatasæt for at udfylde din butik.
- Generer kunder og ordrer til test af brugerrejser og flows.
- Simple Sample Data fungerer godt på udviklingsbutikker.
- Slet testdata med et enkelt klik, når du er færdig.
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Gratis at installere
En betaling på $0,99 for ikke-udviklingsbutikker
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Se alle prismuligheder
Anmeldelser (12)
I installed this theme right after setting up my store, and within a day of purchasing and installing it, I began receiving numerous emails from unknown sources, as well as messages on my mobile number. It’s incredibly frustrating, and I’m considering abandoning my email because of it. In just 20 minutes, I received more than 50 emails related to my Shopify store.
Thanks for taking the time to install the app. Sorry, but this app is not a theme. We also do not share any information related to the store owner with anyone. This app is mostly designed for development stores that are not live and in the development phase. We definitely do not send messages via mobiles or any emails that are not relevant to this app. I'm really sorry, but I'm not sure how we can help in this situation. Our app is definitely not the reason for these troubles. I also see that you've installed the app on a 'real' store and have been charged. I've refunded the payment. The app is free to install for development stores.
absolutely useless!! I just paid a dollar for nothing
Hi. Thank you for the interest in one of our apps. I see you installed the app on a production store. This app generates test data for test stores.
I've just refunded the payment.
The app is free for development stores. Thank you.
This really helped me fill in the blanks on a new site. It quickly put mock data in place so my customer could "see" how things would look before we opened for business. Well worth the price!
Great app, highly recommendend! I used this in the beginning to check the structure of the products, so I knew how to upload my real ones.
Super helpful.
Products, categories, orders, customers in various quantities with examples of clothes, paintings, toys.
Helped me set up my shop.
Thank you - highly recommended
Appsupport leveres af EGNITION.
26. juni 2017
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