Reseñas (86)

Calificación general
Recuentos por nivel de calificación
  • El 85% de las calificaciones son de 5 estrellas
  • El 6% de las calificaciones son de 4 estrellas
  • El 3% de las calificaciones son de 3 estrellas
  • El 0% de las calificaciones son de 2 estrellas
  • El 6% de las calificaciones son de 1 estrellas
18 de septiembre de 2024

In theory, it would be great, but I have not yet had it work. Orders are not syncing, and the link to downloads has not been sent.

Spooky Cat Press
Estados Unidos
21 días usando la aplicación
Single, Inc. respondió 19 de septiembre de 2024

Thanks so much for your feedback. We really appreciate hearing from our community so we can improve our app.

We spoke with you over email regarding the issue with your account. Our team found that no webhooks were in place due to the store uninstalling and reinstalling quickly.

Our team responded to your query promptly and worked with you after business hours to resolve the issue and get your account back in order. The issue is now corrected. We're committed to making sure any problems are resolved quickly.

Thanks for your review and let us know if we can assist with anything moving forward!

Fecha de modificación: 4 de marzo de 2020

Finally - how did we not hear about this earlier? Soundscan reporting is fantastic to have. Looking forward to this being built out into a more fully-featured app.

Edit, March 2020: It's been two years, and the app still feels like rough like an unpolished beta.

• Pain point: Track upload and metadata entry are painful: unable to upload more than 3 concurrent tracks, locked out from adding metadata for tracks during upload, unable to add track titles while 3 files are uploading.
• Bug: Creating dozens of tracks (for larger albums) at once creates track number duplicates.
• Bug: Album art randomly disappears in the dashboard.
• Bug: Physical products not always found when trying to attach a digital release.

• Bulk edit tools, cloning metadata between tracks to avoid extensive manual data entry that could be avoided
• DDEX ERN support for automatically creating releases via existing music aggregator distribution flow
• Allowing metadata to be edited after locking a release
• More control over how Shopify products/collections are created, tagged, managed.
• External product fulfillment, e.g., via codebanks
• Whitelabeling / custom branding.
• Custom mailservers. Email notifications/order redemption go to spam.
• Integration with other smart link platforms (linkfire, Smarturl, etc.)
• Data analytics/retargeting/marketing options
• More extensive metadata: P-line/C-line support, publishing fields per track (PRO info, Publisher/Administrator, multiple ISWC support)

Materia Collective
Estados Unidos
Alrededor de 6 años usando la aplicación
Single, Inc. respondió 5 de marzo de 2020

Appreciate the feedback and we're well aware of the pain points you've listed. Fortunately several of them are on our immediate roadmap and will be addressed over the next few weeks. We'll reach out directly to go over your bugs & requests.

24 de marzo de 2019

Great app, but when you bundle digital albums with physical, it charges you for all tracks which eats into your physical merch cost basis. For that reason, had to uninstall.

Baby FuzZ
Estados Unidos
28 días usando la aplicación
Single, Inc. respondió 25 de marzo de 2019

Thanks for your feedback! We are very transparent about our digital pricing and in many ways we are much less expensive than platforms which take a percentage (10-15%) of your physical merchandise. Not only is our pricing capped at $2 for digital, but physical reporting is a flat monthly subscription ($10). If you are including a digital album with a physical product we encourage artists to factor our costs into the price paid by fans.