并非所有尺码都是一样的,这会导致买家困惑并增加购物车放弃率和退货率。拥有准确的尺码表可以减少退货,让您的客户在第一次购买时就能满意,从而增加您的利润。使用Clean Size Charts,您可以在5分钟内设置好尺码表、尺码指南、简洁的尺码表格和AI驱动的尺码推荐。在这个假期季节,送上尺码准确的礼物。
- 18种预设样式或从头开始创建 - 添加图片并更改布局
- 通过应用块在任何地方显示尺码表:内联、固定或表格
- 将尺码表分配给特定的集合、产品、供应商和产品类型
- 桌面和移动设备优化:一个不显眼的图标用于尺码表和尺码指南
- 导入/导出:批量创建或编辑尺码表
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
- Transcy
- Google Analytics
- Weglot
- Pagefly
- 最多2个尺码表/尺码指南
- 基本样式定制
- 18个预设尺码表/尺码指南模板
- 每月100个订单
$6.99 /月
- 无限尺码表
- 无限订单
- 全样式定制
- 按国家显示
- 自定义CSS
- 导入/导出尺码表
- 无水印
Growth 500
$14.99 /月
- 无限尺码表
- 无限订单
- 500个尺码推荐
- 单位转换
- 全样式定制
- 导入/导出尺码表
所有费用均以USD结算。 定期费用和基于使用情况的费用每 30 天收取一次。
评论 (208)
The support team was very responsive and assisted with my dev needs, which led me to upgrade the app. With my multi-vendor site, this app has been great for easily dropping in tables—much faster than previous apps that required importing and exporting CSV files. Working with a smaller team, this app made it much easier to create size charts with minimal lift.
Thank you for your review and being apart of the Clean Size Charts family. I'm so glad we were able to assist you. - Zach
Just what I was looking for. I need to work on attaching the images. Still better than other apps. I've looked at.
Thank you for your review on our size chart app. We are glad to here it was just what you needed. Thank you for being apart of our family. - Zach
super easy to use and perfect for my store
Thank you for your review. We are so happy you found it super easy to use. - Zach
nice app thank you so much your size chart best
Thank you for your review and being apart of the Clean Size Charts family. We appreciate you. - Zach
bien c cool application agreable
Thank you for your review. I see you said it was a very cool app and then you rated it a 3 stars. We'd love to hear how we can get all 5 stars at help@cleansizecharts.com.
应用支持由 TaskHusky 提供。