Sizebay Tracking Pixel
- 요금제
- 하이라이트
- Shopify 관리자에서 바로 사용 가능
- 평점
- 0.0 (0 리뷰)
- 개발자
- Sizebay
추천 이미지 갤러리
Sizebay Tracking Pixel is essential for stores to track Virtual Fitting Room results.
The Sizebay Tracking Pixel is an application for tracking orders and usage data. It allows Shopify stores to monitor Sizebay's Virtual Fitting Room perform without relying on development. The Pixel is used to compose dashboards and reports on performance, usage, and the body profile of users interacting with the virtual fitting room service during their shopping journey. By installing the application, the customer avoids the need to implement tracking tags and scripts manually
- Real-time sales data tracking.
- Configure specific information for your store.
- Get external access to personalized sales data reports.
- 하이라이트
- Shopify 관리자에서 바로 사용 가능
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앱 지원은 Sizebay에서 제공합니다.
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이름, 이메일 주소, 전화번호, 실제 주소
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