Slant 3D Print on Demand
Vorgestellte Bildergalerie
Start drop shipping your 3D printed parts. No more managing an in-house print farm.
Streamline your 3D printing business with Slant 3D's print farm integration. Our app lets you match your products to 3D print files, send fulfillment orders for those products to our print farm, and deliver your products to your customers all within our app. Easily upload and manage your 3D model library, track order status in real-time, reduce your manual labor, stay open for the holidays, and scale your 3D printing on-demand service effortlessly with no prior knowledge required.
- Mega 3D Print Farm
- Drop Shipping
- Automated Fulfillment
- Material Selection
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- Highlights
- Direkter Zugriff im Shopify-Adminbereich
Für diese App ist keine Übersetzung auf Deutsch vorhanden.
Slant 3D Base Plan
$9 / Monat
We charge a custom price based on fulfillment request's cost to print
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Alle Gebühren werden in USD berechnet. Wiederkehrende und nutzungsabhängige Gebühren werden alle 30 Tage in Rechnung gestellt.
Rezensionen (2)
Since this is a review of the app, I'm going to say that it is great and simple to use. Excellent communications from their customer support. They replied very quickly to all of my questions. That being said, I needed 3D prints that were of a higher quality for my customers and decided to not move forward with this service.
Expensive, extremely low quality prints, and slow shipping.
I made a test order to see the product almost 3 weeks ago with 3 different prints and they only shipped one. I've printed the object myself and there isn't an issue with the STLs. I was hoping for a service I could move items to instead of doing them myself. I'll update my review when they get back to me or I receive my prints, but at this point I'm not hopeful.
Customer service still hasn't got back to me.
Pricing was also rather convoluted and shipping costs are opaque, making it hard to figure out what to price items at.
App-Support von Slant 3D
Dieser Entwickler bietet keinen direkten Support auf Deutsch an.
4600 Apple St, Boise, ID, 83716, US
19. August 2024
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