使用 SlashID 为您的客户提供无缝的登录体验。
允许您的客户无需创建和记住密码即可登录,享受无缝的购物体验。使用快速且安全的认证方法,如通行密钥、社交登录(Google、Facebook)、一次性密码(短信和电子邮件)或通过电子邮件发送的魔法链接。注册新客户时无需额外的摩擦。 在所有系统中使用 SlashID 的登录功能,让您的客户可以在您的网站和 Shopify 商店之间无缝导航。 适用于 Shopify Plus 客户。
- 通过通行密钥、魔法链接和一次性密码实现无密码登录
- 使用 Google、Facebook 等轻松进行社交登录!
- 一流的分析和用户管理仪表板
- 在所有网站和 Shopify 商店中使用单一登录表单
- 从管理面板自定义外观和感觉
- 亮点
- 适用于最新模板
SlashID has been game changing in helping Mixhers maximize our conversion in a way that other vendors we explored couldn’t and it took only 2 days for a single developer to deploy. We were able to optimize our user sign-in flow thanks to their detailed authentication analytics that other vendors in the market do not provide. Their easy integrations with tools like Klaviyo in our marketing stack help us capture more subscribers without the need for a separate subscriber form, and it removes dropoffs in campaigns that require customer authentications, such as forgotten carts. We’d recommend SlashID to anybody who wants to scale an e-commerce business and wants to improve their user onboarding! They have excellent support as well!
SlashID 可以回答您关于 SlashID Login 的任何问题。