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Sling er en nem måde at planlægge og kommunikere med dine medarbejdere.
Byg dine medarbejderes skemaer på få minutter og håndter fridage, tilgængelighed og anmodninger om vagtbytte. Undgå at overskride budgetter og planlægge overarbejde, reducer fravær og sene ankomster, få besked om overlappende vagter, og håndter uventede ændringer uden stress.
- Medarbejderplanlægning
- Arbejdsomkostninger
- Tidsur
- Kommunikation
- Opgavestyring
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
- Højdepunkter
- Brug direkte i Shopify-administratoren
Eksterne gebyrer kan blive faktureret af Sling separat i forhold til din Shopify-faktura. Få mere at vide
- Vagtplanlægning
- Vagtalarm
- Vagtilbud
- Ledige vagter
- Fridage
- Tilgængelighed
- Deling af nyheder
- Flere lokationer
- Ubegrænset brugere
$2 om måneden
Per bruger
- Alle Gratis funktioner
- Beskeder
- Mobil tidsur
- Vagtskift
- Vagtskabeloner
- Arbejdsomkostninger
- Overarbejde
- Budgettering
- Google Kalender synkronisering
30-dages gratis prøveperiode
$4 om måneden
Per bruger
- Alle Gratis og Premium funktioner
- Kiosk tidsur
- Rapporter
- PTO tracking
- Opgavestyring
- No shows
- Sygefravær
- Sene ankomster
- Tags
30-dages gratis prøveperiode
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag. Se alle prismuligheder
Anmeldelser (6)
Works well, good service and help.
I have worked in Information Technology for more than 20 years and I've seen my fair share of products. It is with that background that I can tell you Sling is a fantastic piece of software. It is intuitive, powerful, and has all of the features I was looking for to develop an interactive schedule. Timesaving templates make it quick and easy to add a shift by type or a week of shifts. New employees get a link and immediately have access to their schedule and reminders. I'm only 2 weeks into using Sling and it has become an essential part of our growing business. I look forward to learning about the other features including the timeclock, blocking time, and swapping shifts.
I loved this app up until needing support. They take 30-40 minutes to reply to a message, thus turning a 10-15 conversation into 2 days!!! literally. I have been trying to get this matter resolved for 2 days. I would like to be refunded for the yearly plan I paid for that is not reflected on my account. I am unable to run my payroll. I have paid in full, but I cannot use the account because their system is glitched. and mysteriously they have no clue how to refund me.
This may be the best app on the Shopify Market! For the cost of this app and how robust and intuitive it is, you should get this app even if you don't need it. I am blown away by how good this app is!
Thank you very much for your opinion! we're doing our best so your experience with Sling app would be the best possible.
Sling has helped us simplify our employee scheduling. Creating shifts is easy and fast, so I am saving many hours each month compared to our previous solution. Employees are happier too, as they are now able to have an impact on their schedule, while I have an eye in the sky, so nothing falls in between the cracks. It's a great solution!
Sling kan besvare dine spørgsmål vedrørende Sling: Scheduling & Time clock.
16. oktober 2019