Smile: Loyalty & Rewards
Uppfyller Shopifys högsta kvalitetsstandarder när det gäller hastighet, enkelhet och värde för handlaren
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Skapa ditt eget lojalitets- och belöningsprogram för att omvandla förstagångskunder till eviga kunder driver lojalitets-, remiss- och VIP-belöningsprogram som hjälper till att öka försäljningen och återköp, spara på förvärvskostnader och stärka varumärkeslojalitet. Att skapa ett lojalitetsprogram med Smile tar bara några minuter – ingen kodning krävs! Att hantera lojalitet med Smile är enkelt, inklusive enkla integrationer med dina favoritappar. Om du behöver hjälp stöds du av ett team av experter som kan hjälpa till med allt från tekniska frågor till bästa praxis för belöningar och lojalitet för ditt företag.
- Uppmuntra återköp genom att belöna varje order med poäng
- Belöna sociala handlingar på Instagram, TikTok, Facebook och mer
- Driv försäljning med poängbonus-evenemang
- Integrera Smile med dina favoritverktyg som Klaviyo, Gorgias och 25+ andra
- Optimera ditt lojalitetsprogram genom att jämföra prestanda med liknande butiker
Innehåller automatöversatt text
- Höjdpunkter
- Populär bland företag i USA
- Använd direkt i Shopify-admin
- Fungerar med de senaste temana
Denna app finns inte översatt till svenska
Fungerar med
Shopify Flow, Shopify kassasystem, Kassa, Shopify POS,, Klaviyo, Gorgias, Mailchimp, OkendoKategorier
Belöningar som du kan erbjuda
Hantering av popup-fönster
Gratis att installera
Upp till 200 månatliga ordrar
- Poängprogram
- Remissprogram
- Grundläggande varumärkesprofilering
- Översikt över analyser
- Dataexporter
$49 /månad
Upp till 500 månatliga ordrar
- Avancerade varumärkesalternativ
- Anpassningsbara e-postmeddelanden
- Påminnelser på plats
- 2 integrationer (t.ex. Klaviyo,
- 5 specialrapporter
$199 /månad
Inkluderar 2 500 månatliga ordrar, sedan 20 dollar per ytterligare 100 ordrar
- Kör poängbonus-evenemang
- SEO-vänlig lojalitetssida
- Integrera Smile på din butik
- Gratis produktbelöningar
- VIP & Poängens utgång
- Obegränsade integrationer
$999 /månad
Inkluderar 7 500 månatliga ordrar, sedan 5 dollar per ytterligare 100 ordrar
- Dedikerad lanseringsplan
- 25+ specialrapporter
- API-åtkomst
- Prioriterad support
- Förmånliga priser för flera butiker
- Prissättning för hög volym tillgänglig
Innehåller automatöversatt text
Alla avgifter debiteras i USD. Återkommande och användningsbaserade avgifter faktureras var 30:e dag. Se alla prisalternativ
Recensioner (6 334)
Updated review: Customer service contacted me after my first review and we were able to find a solution based on my seasonal company. I think they have a great customer service and for that I give them a 5 stars. I want to say that I hope that in a near future they will offer more packages. Right now it goes from 0$ to 50$ and nothing in between. Maybe with one or 2 options in between they would have even more users.
Previous review:
I have used this apps for a year or so. This was a wonderful app until they switched some features. After it was switched over I could still edit customer profiles for awhile but not anymore - super frustrating. They created a forcing function to make you upgrade even if you don't want to. Really disappointed. I am a seasonal business so some months I have 100 orders and other months 350 orders but because of that, I would need to upgrade to the 49$/month plan and I think it's way too expensive. Not a good solution for small businesses.
Hi there! We're sorry to hear you're having trouble with order limits. Our team have reached out with some potential solutions to the issues addressed here.
The Team
Been using Smile for years and just had my first issue which needed attention. Karen F was assigned to case and delivered fast and helpful customer service that remedied my issue in a matter of hours. Very happy with overall outcome and would recommend
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this review! We really appreciate it 💖
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. We're always here when you need us!
Smile Team ✨
We love this app and helped us retain customers and provide them with excitement with rewards when shopping. With the ever changing technology these days, it is great to receive excellent and very timely customer support when you need them, and thank you Lisa and Joana for always being there to respond promptly and provide assistance every time. Well done guys! :)
Thank you very much for taking the time to leave this review! We are so glad that you're enjoying Smile. 😊
We've been using Smile for a few years and we really like the features and design. Above all, the customer service from Andrea and Hannah have been amazing. Always helpful and they do their best to solve any issues that we might have. Great job, guys!
We are so glad you're loving the features & the service - we hope to continue to help you for many years to come :)
-Hannah & Andrea
I just took over management of this app on our website. A customer was having problems redeeming her rewards points, so I reached out to customer support at Smile. Shelby got back to me very quickly and showed me what I needed to do to embed the app in our Shopify theme. Her instructions were very easy to follow, and within a few minutes I was up an running. Very happy with this level of customer service.
So pleased Shelby could help you out! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a 5-star rating! We really appreciate it 💖
Support kan svara på eventuella frågor du har om Smile: Loyalty & Rewards.
2 december 2014 · Ändringslogg