EA • Spin Wheel Email Popups

EA • Spin Wheel Email Popups

Built for Shopify


符合 Shopify 在速度、易用性和商家价值方面的最高质量标准

  • 位于美国
  • 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
  • 适用于最新模板





英语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 意大利语, 西班牙语, 日语, 俄语, 捷克语, 丹麦语, 荷兰语, 芬兰语, 法语, 德语, 韩语, 挪威语, 挪威语(博克马尔语), 波兰语, 葡萄牙语(巴西), 阿拉伯语, 白俄罗斯语, 保加利亚语, 阿塞拜疆语, 南非荷兰语, 加泰罗尼亚语, 瑞典语, 泰语, 土耳其语, 印度尼西亚语, 印地语, 菲律宾语, 越南语, 乌克兰语, 维吾尔语, 泰米尔语, 斯瓦希里语, 塞尔维亚语, 阿尔巴尼亚语, 索马里语, 斯洛文尼亚语, 斯洛伐克语, 罗马尼亚语, 旁遮普语, 尼泊尔语, 马耳他语, 蒙古语, 马拉雅拉姆语, 马其顿语, 拉脱维亚语, 立陶宛语, 卢森堡语, 柯尔克孜语, 库尔德语, 爪哇语, 格鲁吉亚语, 冰岛语, 匈牙利语, 亚美尼亚语, 克罗地亚语, 希伯来语, 爱尔兰语, 苏格兰盖尔语, 西弗里西亚语, 波斯语, 爱沙尼亚语, 希腊语, 威尔士语, 波斯尼亚语, 阿姆哈拉语, 阿萨姆语, 班巴拉语, 埃维语, 世界语, 巴斯克语, 加利西亚语, 古吉拉特语, 豪萨语, 伊博语, 哈萨克语, 高棉语, 林加拉语, 老挝语, 毛利语, 马拉加斯语, 马拉地语, 马来语, 奥罗莫语, 奥里亚语, 普什图语, 克丘亚语, 卢旺达语, 梵语, 信德语, 僧伽罗语, 巽他语, 塔吉克语, 泰卢固语, 提格利尼亚语, 土库曼语, 鞑靼语, 乌尔都语, 乌兹别克语, 科萨语, 意第绪语, 约鲁巴语,以及 祖鲁语


Newsletter, Zapier, Omnisend, Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Hubspot

增长电子邮件 & 短信列表:优惠券,礼品,折扣,转盘抽奖弹窗,电子邮件弹窗 & 短信弹窗

通过转盘抽奖折扣弹窗提高转化率 & 订单价值 AOV。转盘抽奖赢取折扣,免费产品 & 买一送一。电子邮件弹窗 & 短信弹窗。收集电子邮件 & 捕获短信以增长订阅者列表。倒计时计时器 - 创造紧迫感,减少购物车放弃率。减少跳出率,通过退出意图/退出提供弹窗改善SEO。通过转盘销售,折扣轮,销售,电子邮件捕获,限时销售时间条,优惠券盒子凭证 & 其他销售助推器应用程序进行新闻通讯注册。

通过转盘抽奖折扣弹窗提高转化率 & 订单价值 AOV。转盘抽奖赢取折扣,免费产品 & 买一送一。电子邮件弹窗 & 短信弹窗。收集电子邮件 & 捕获短信以增长订阅者列表。倒计时计时器 - 创造紧迫感,减少购物车放弃率。减少跳出率,通过退出意图/退出提供弹窗改善SEO。通过转盘销售,折扣轮,销售,电子邮件捕获,限时销售时间条,优惠券盒子凭证 & 其他销售助推器应用程序进行新闻通讯注册。 更多
  • 转盘抽奖弹窗折扣游戏 - 电子邮件弹窗 & 短信弹窗以获取奖品
  • 通过电子邮件发送折扣码 - 避免在电子邮件弹窗上出现假电子邮件和垃圾邮件发送者
  • 倒计时计时器 - 显示折扣码过期倒计时以创造紧迫感
  • 电子邮件验证 - 消除假电子邮件,反弹,并提高可送达性!
  • 退出意图,延迟 & 提醒 - 在退出,反弹或延迟后显示弹窗


  • 折扣类型: BOGO, Banners, Bulk discounts, Cart discounts, Checkout discounts, Countdown timers, Coupons, Custom discounts, Discount codes, Exit intent, Fixed pricing, Flat discounts, Free shipping, Gifts, Limited time offers, Percentage discounts, Pop-ups, Rewards, Volume discounts, Wholesale pricing
  • 运费折扣: APIs and webhooks, Analytics, Automations, Bulk editing, Campaigns, Currency conversion, Custom code, Custom fonts, Discount stacking, Editor tool, Email capture list, Filtering, Import and export, Localization, Reporting, SMS capture list, Segmentation, Tagging, Templates, Tracking, Triggers and rules



45 条评论

  • 96% 的评分是 5 星
  • 2% 的评分是 4 星
  • 0% 的评分是 3 星
  • 2% 的评分是 2 星
  • 0% 的评分是 1 星

We had a misunderstanding which the support team has quickly resolved.

For all those looking for a spin for discount app - this does exactly that. It allows discount customization and we are happy with being able to choose between set discount codes or generating brand new ones.

Understandably, additional paid features are available.

大约2个月 人在使用应用

Great with communication wonderful Customer Service I love their app super easy to understand and activate and deactivate. I will highly recommend this app for your shopify store.

27天 人在使用应用

This is one of the good apps to use free of cost.

大约1个月 人在使用应用
EasyApps已回复 2024年3月11日

The comment is not true, payment has nothing to do with spins. This is 100% false.

We are sorry you had a bad experience and have reached out via email to make it right. Please respond and we'd be happy to work with you to find a solution.


Flexible setting, easy setup, and excellent customer service!

Linens Delight
2天 人在使用应用

UPDATED REVIEW: All money was refunded, and the free trial went exactly how I hoped. This app is great, especially the free function, which is great for most small businesses, however, the other tiers make it great for expanding. I do recommend trying the free trial, as it worked great for my store and was very customizable. Support did indeed reach out to me, and resolved all my problems. Great product, great company, overall very happy with this app.

Original Review: "Free" Trial is not free.
I decided to get this app to test before launching it publicly in my online store. I opted in for the free trial during this time to remove the EA branding in case I actually wanted to launch it earlier. I tested this app on different web browsers, mobile phones, computers, and tablets to make sure that it was what I wanted to start paying for and that it worked for all of my customers with my shops theme. A couple days later, there is a $9.99 charge. Apparently, during the free trial, if you go over 100 website views (which is not a lot, especially when all of those were generated by me visiting the website different times to test out different features) you end up having to pay for the free trial. I tried reaching out to support, and if they gave me an answer or helped me out I would've left a 5 star review, as the free version of this app is great - but no one reached back. It's sad as this was a good app that I could've continued using but hidden fees on "free" trials are not for me.

Urban Goods Collective
13天 人在使用应用
EasyApps已回复 2023年12月5日

We are very very sorry for the mistake here. We've gone ahead and refunded the charges. There was an issue with the way we saved your trial start date. We are super sorry and we hope we can make this better for you. We have reached out over email.





英语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 意大利语, 西班牙语, 日语, 俄语, 捷克语, 丹麦语, 荷兰语, 芬兰语, 法语, 德语, 韩语, 挪威语, 挪威语(博克马尔语), 波兰语, 葡萄牙语(巴西), 阿拉伯语, 白俄罗斯语, 保加利亚语, 阿塞拜疆语, 南非荷兰语, 加泰罗尼亚语, 瑞典语, 泰语, 土耳其语, 印度尼西亚语, 印地语, 菲律宾语, 越南语, 乌克兰语, 维吾尔语, 泰米尔语, 斯瓦希里语, 塞尔维亚语, 阿尔巴尼亚语, 索马里语, 斯洛文尼亚语, 斯洛伐克语, 罗马尼亚语, 旁遮普语, 尼泊尔语, 马耳他语, 蒙古语, 马拉雅拉姆语, 马其顿语, 拉脱维亚语, 立陶宛语, 卢森堡语, 柯尔克孜语, 库尔德语, 爪哇语, 格鲁吉亚语, 冰岛语, 匈牙利语, 亚美尼亚语, 克罗地亚语, 希伯来语, 爱尔兰语, 苏格兰盖尔语, 西弗里西亚语, 波斯语, 爱沙尼亚语, 希腊语, 威尔士语, 波斯尼亚语, 阿姆哈拉语, 阿萨姆语, 班巴拉语, 埃维语, 世界语, 巴斯克语, 加利西亚语, 古吉拉特语, 豪萨语, 伊博语, 哈萨克语, 高棉语, 林加拉语, 老挝语, 毛利语, 马拉加斯语, 马拉地语, 马来语, 奥罗莫语, 奥里亚语, 普什图语, 克丘亚语, 卢旺达语, 梵语, 信德语, 僧伽罗语, 巽他语, 塔吉克语, 泰卢固语, 提格利尼亚语, 土库曼语, 鞑靼语, 乌尔都语, 乌兹别克语, 科萨语, 意第绪语, 约鲁巴语,以及 祖鲁语


Newsletter, Zapier, Omnisend, Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Hubspot

由 EasyApps 开发

关于 EasyApps

平均评分 5.0

在为 Shopify 应用商店开发应用方面有 1 年的经验

665 Millway Avenue, Vaughan, ON, L4K 3T8, CA





4.8 星(满分 5 星) 总共 447 条评论 提供免费试用
5.0 星(满分 5 星) 总共 20 条评论 提供免费套餐
Built for Shopify
4.7 星(满分 5 星) 总共 16 条评论 提供免费套餐


免费试用 Shopify 3 天