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  • 80% 的评分是 5 星
  • 7% 的评分是 4 星
  • 3% 的评分是 3 星
  • 3% 的评分是 2 星
  • 7% 的评分是 1 星

Hi team!

please reach out to us nithis@sweetkaramcoffee.in. We are facing an issue in split the order using tags. It is not working as expected. Please help us!

Sweet Karam Coffee
5个月 人在使用应用
Mercantile Apps已回复 2023年10月8日

Hi Sweet Karam, I'm sorry, when you emailed us about this, you then said "please ignore the above email. It is working now"

Anyway, if you could email us with some specifics, we would be more then happy to help!