BR Stock Take: Count Inventory
- Pricing
Free plan available. Free trial available.
- Highlights
- Popular with businesses in United States
- Use directly in Shopify admin
- Rating
- 3.7 (24)
- Developer
- BR Data Solutions
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Get accurate stock counts using multiple devices by scanning barcodes or by manually counting items.
Select products to count by Shopify location, scan inventory barcodes or physically count your items, then have our app adjust any stock errors and zero out any uncounted products. No need to install a separate barcode scanning app on your device. Inventory stocktake in your browser with a handheld scanner or directly in the Shopify mobile or POS app with your Apple or Android phone camera. Get your stock value and a detailed inventory report in CSV format after you complete a stock count.
- Use a barcode scanner or scan from the POS Go or on Shopify Mobile with a camera
- Stocktake with multiple devices at the same time to speed up counting
- Use cycle count option to update products without zeroing out uncounted items
- View available, committed, and reserved inventory to get an accurate stock count
- Detailed stock valuation and a CSV format report of your old and new inventory
- Highlights
- Popular with businesses in United States
- Use directly in Shopify admin
Works with
- Admin App
- POS App
- Excel
- Scanner
- iPad
Inventory management
Inventory management
Accounting and finance
- Stock taking at one Shopify location
- 50 products / variants per stock take
- One device per stocktake
$10 / month
- Stock taking at first 5 Shopify locations
- No limit on products / variants
- No limit on number of devices per stocktake
15-day free trial
$25 / month
- Stock taking at up to 1000 Shopify locations
- No limit on products / variants
- No limit on number of devices per stocktake
15-day free trial
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (24)
good for small stock counts, anything over 100 and there will be some issues.
Thank you for your review. Please email us with any issues you had with your stocktake. We regularly have merchants who count warehouses with 50,000 products with our app running on a dozen devices.
The app is good - the support is so helpful and responsive!
I like the app but it would be a really good idea if Shopify hardware like the POS GO could be used to scan products to carry out a stocktake
Our app now supports POS Go hardware to scan barcodes.
Please write to us at support@brdatasolutions.com if you have any questions.
Super simple to use, reporting is really good and it's so handy that multiple devices can join the stocktake.
Looking forward to using this app. Can you explain specifically why this app needed access to my customer data?
Thank you for your review.
We would like to assure you that we do not retrieve or store any of your store’s customer details.
As a stock taking app, we request Shopify for permission to
1. read one year of your store’s open orders and fulfillments
2. fetch product information
3. read and modify inventory counts
Shopify provides permission for all order information (along with customer details) which we do not read and do not use in our app. There is no other way for us to request Shopify for a list of unfulfilled / unshipped products for your orders.
Please feel free to email us should you have any other questions or concerns.
App support provided by BR Data Solutions.
12 Railway Station Road, 1st Floor, Gudiyatham, TN, 632602, IN
August 4, 2020