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Offer free trials with Tryon
Beat the competition with "Try for Free" offers

Encourage more customers to take the plunge by letting them try out your products at home before they pay. How it works: the customer's card gets authorized at checkout, but they only get charged for what they keep. They shop risk free without you having to risk losing inventory.
Tryon is great for: businesses selling the kinds of products that customers like to experience in person before they buy. Think fashion, footwear, beauty products, home goods, electronics, or health and fitness gear.
Provide hassle-free product trials to build trust and encourage repeat purchases. By offering “try before you buy”, you show your customers that you're confident in the quality of your products.
Customers add products to their cart as usual, but when it comes time to check out, the “total due today” is just $0. The full cost of their order gets put in their card as an authorized hold, which doesn't get charged until the end of the free trial period.
After their preset return period, customers can send back their items at no cost, or choose to keep them. Since their card is already authorized, the full order amount can be easily charged with the click of a button.