Sup Dropshipping

Sup Dropshipping

5.0 (208)

Dropshipping business manager for Sourcing, Wholesale, Print on Demand, Branding, and Fulfillment.

Sup Dropshipping is dedicated to optimizing your margins by getting access to direct factories and wholesale suppliers. We help you lower your purchasing cost. Easy buying wholesale for one Piece, one carton or even one container from China. Sup offers professional services to help you build and grow your E-commerce brand. Sup automatically syncs your Shopify orders. You just need to confirm, and everything else will be handled by Sup team.

Sup Dropshipping is dedicated to optimizing your margins by getting access to direct factories and wholesale suppliers. We help you lower your purchasing cost. Easy buying wholesale for one Piece, one carton or even one container from China. Sup offers professional services to help you build and grow your E-commerce brand. Sup automatically syncs your Shopify orders. You just need to confirm, and everything else will be handled by Sup team. 更多
  • Help you auto-manage your Dropshipping including Souring, Purchasing, Shipping.
  • Make your own design with hundreds of mockups to sell exclusive POD products.
  • Build your brand including custom design, packaging, labeling, tagging and more.
  • Easy buying wholesale for one Piece, one carton or even one container from China
  • Reverse Image search feature helps you find your favorite products quickly.


藝術與手工藝品, 包包與行李箱, 商務與辦公室, 服飾與配件, 電子產品, 家具, 硬體設備, 家居與園藝, 寵物商品, 運動商品, 玩具與遊戲


中國, 德國, 美國




英文、 南非荷蘭文、 阿坎文、 阿姆哈拉文、 阿拉伯文、 阿薩姆文、 亞塞拜然文、 白俄羅斯文、 班巴拉文、 保加利亞文、 孟加拉文、 藏文、 布列塔尼文、 波士尼亞文、 加泰蘭文、 車臣文、 中庫德文、 捷克文、 威爾斯文、 丹麥文、 德文、 宗卡文、 埃維文、 希臘文、 世界文、 西班牙文、 愛沙尼亞文、 巴斯克文、 波斯文、 富拉文、 芬蘭文、 菲律賓文、 法文、 法羅文、 西弗里西亞文、 蘇格蘭蓋爾文、 愛爾蘭文、 加利西亞文、 古吉拉特文、 曼島文、 豪撒文、 希伯來文、 北印度文、 克羅埃西亞文、 匈牙利文、 亞美尼亞文、 國際文、 印尼文、 伊布文、 冰島文、 四川彝文、 義大利文、 日文、 爪哇文、 喬治亞文、 吉庫尤文、 哈薩克文、 格陵蘭文、 高棉文、 坎那達文、 韓文、 喀什米爾文、 庫德文、 康瓦耳文、 吉爾吉斯文、 干達文、 盧森堡文、 林加拉文、 寮文、 立陶宛文、 魯巴加丹加文、 拉脫維亞文、 馬達加斯加文、 毛利文、 馬其頓文、 馬來亞拉姆文、 蒙古文、 馬來文、 馬拉地文、 緬甸文、 馬爾他文、 挪威文、 北地畢列文、 尼泊爾文、 荷蘭文、 耐諾斯克挪威文、 挪威文、 奧羅莫文、 歐迪亞文、 奧塞提文、 旁遮普文、 波蘭文、 普什圖文、 葡萄牙文 (巴西)、 葡萄牙文 (葡萄牙)、 蓋楚瓦文、 隆迪文、 羅曼斯文、 羅馬尼亞文、 俄文、 盧安達文、 梵文、 撒丁文、 信德文、 北薩米文、 簡體中文、 繁體中文、 祖魯文、 約魯巴文、 意第緒文、 科薩文、 越南文、 土耳其文、 東加文、 土庫曼文、 提格利尼亞文、 泰文、 塔吉克文、 泰盧固文、 紹納文、 索馬利文、 阿爾巴尼亞文、 巽他文、 塞爾維亞文、 瑞典文、 史瓦希里文、 桑戈文、 僧伽羅文、 斯洛伐克文、 斯洛維尼亞文、 坦米爾文、 韃靼文、 維吾爾文、 烏都文、 烏克蘭文、 烏茲別克文,以及 沃洛夫文






  • Start your hassle-free E-commerce venture today with seamless support of Sup Fulfillment Service


$19.90 /月

  • Get ready to scale your online business and build your own brand with Sup Pro Fulfillment Service


$29.90 /月

  • Top priorities designed for experienced and professional sellers to achieve online retailing success

所有費用均以 USD 計價。 定期費用和依使用量計費方案,均以 30 天為週期收費。 查看所有定價選項

評價 (207)

  • 99% 的評分為 5 顆星
  • 0% 的評分為 4 顆星
  • 0% 的評分為 3 顆星
  • 0% 的評分為 2 顆星
  • 1% 的評分為 1 顆星

Sup Dropshipping is an excellent tool for managing a dropshipping business. The app offers direct factory access, which reduces my purchasing costs. The automatic order management and seamless Shopify integration save me time and effort. The custom branding options have also helped me create a unique product line.

wrist &Beast
使用應用程式 29天

I have only place a few orders through SUP and two of those were with bad outcomes. They claim they quality check products, but I question that. Here is why:

A t-shirt was sent to a customer and the material was poor and the printed image was not complete.

I personally ordered a POD cap for myself. When it arrived, the image was not complete, it was not centralized as per my design, and the cap itself had a nasty smell. SUP told me that I checked the cap before shipping - sure, but the image showed the cap small, so I couldn't see cracks in the design and I can't smell images.

They give you a dedicated agent and this causes issues if they are not there when you contact them. They are slow to reply. I ordered a product that stated 1-3 day processing, BUT it hasn't even reached the processing stage after three days. So that will be another three days for the processing (because they always complete processing at the latest date, 3 as opposed to the 1 of the 1-3 days). So my products is still saying pending after three days. I have contacted SUP three time and still had no reply. I would not treat my customers like this.

I discovered (from my agent) that one of their supplier was using images that were not of the same material of the actual products. I asked if the agent could obtain the correct image. The reply from the agent was a straight "No". If that was me, I would have said, "I'm not sure if that is possible, but I will certainly try.

Sporty Types
使用應用程式 大約1年
Sup Dropshipping 已回覆 2024年6月13日

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. We sincerely apologize for the issues of your POD orders.

To address your concerns:
1. We have taken this POD supplier out from our platform, as their product and service is of poor quality.
2. We are looking into our quality control processes to improve our service.
3. We have refunded your orders, and your agent has sent you several apology emails.

Again, we apologize for all the problems this has caused, and hope we can collaborate again!


Marketing is a key part of any dropshipping business. This supplier provides me with high-quality product information and marketing materials. This makes it so much easier to create compelling product listings and social media content that resonates with my target audience

Elevated Elegence
使用應用程式 13天

Sup Dropshipping has been a valuable tool for my business.The direct access to factories and suppliers has lowered my costs significantly.
The app's integration with Shopify and automatic order management features save me so much time. The custom branding options have also helped me build a strong brand.

使用應用程式 17天

Sup is amazing! It handles everything from sourcing and purchasing to auto-fulfillment. This frees up my time to focus on marketing and growing my business. Plus, the reverse image search feature helps me find trending products quickly.........

Elite Hub
使用應用程式 大約2個月


「Sup Dropshipping」會回答您對於「Sup Dropshipping」的任何問題。


Sup Dropshipping

No.401, Huangxing Building, Hangzhou, ZJ, 310003, CN




4.9 滿分 5 顆星 共有 1941 則評價 提供免費方案
Source & Import AliExpress/Temu products , ease your journey.
Built for Shopify
4.6 滿分 5 顆星 共有 172 則評價 免費
Dropshipping-Satisfy all your dropshipping needs
4.6 滿分 5 顆星 共有 62 則評價 免費安裝
Source High-quality Products and Automate Order Fulfillment


免費試用 Shopify 3 天