Super Variant Title

Super Variant Title

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Conçue pour votre entreprise
  • Utilisation directe dans l’interface administrateur Shopify

À propos de cette application


19 mai 2021



Cette application n’est pas traduite en français

Change the product title based on the variant selected. Make product page clearer for your customer.

Super Variant Title allows you to change a product title based on the variant selected. Your customers will have a better understanding of the product selected. It can avoid confusion and lead to more products being added to cart. You're able to create a single rule that will apply to all product variants of your shop. You also have the option to add specific rules to a product variant by going through the list of products, select any of them and add a different rule for its variants.

Super Variant Title allows you to change a product title based on the variant selected. Your customers will have a better understanding of the product selected. It can avoid confusion and lead to more products being added to cart. You're able to create a single rule that will apply to all product variants of your shop. You also have the option to add specific rules to a product variant by going through the list of products, select any of them and add a different rule for its variants. plus
  • Update product title based on the variant selected.
  • Set up a single title rule for all your variants based on product informations.
  • Set up specific variant titles for any of your products

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Basic Plan


  • Able to set up a single rule for all product variants

Premium Plan

$5 / mois

  • Able to set up a single rule for all product variants
  • Able to set up specific rules for each product variant

Essai gratuit de 7 jours

Basic Plan


  • Able to set up a single rule for all product variants

Premium Plan

$5 / mois

  • Able to set up a single rule for all product variants
  • Able to set up specific rules for each product variant

Essai gratuit de 7 jours

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Tous les frais sont facturés en USD. Les frais récurrents et basés sur l’utilisation sont facturés tous les 30 jours.

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Note globale
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  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 5 étoiles
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 4 étoiles
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 3 étoiles
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 2 étoiles
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 1 étoiles
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À propos de cette application


19 mai 2021



Cette application n’est pas traduite en français

Conçue par FirstBits

À propos de FirstBits

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3 ans d’expérience dans la création d’applications pour l’App Store de Shopify

Rua 08, n 101, Residencial Village, Catalao, GO, 75713-422, BR


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Ce développeur n’offre pas d’assistance directe en Français.

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