They talk about 30-day free trial, but from what I see, during these 30 days you are not allowed to actually send invoices (what kind of trial is that?).
The app is only in Chinese.
In order to be able to send receipts automatically after customers place an order, they want USD 60 per month, as cheaper plans don't allow that.
Not too happy about this app...
2021.01.11 更新,已優化明細顯示的功能
您好,目前開發人員已開始進行優化與開發,也與您取得聯繫。感謝您對於我們的 APP 提供回饋!
請問這個APP還有在營運嗎? 剛加入但無法上傳發票 請問這個APP還有在營運嗎? 剛加入但無法上傳發票
請問這個APP還有在營運嗎? 剛加入但無法上傳發票
請問這個APP還有在營運嗎? 剛加入但無法上傳發票
您好,先前客服人員已透過 Email 聯繫貴司的信箱。就目前已知的資訊可能要請您向貴司使用的電子發票供應商的窗口確認停權原因,Taiwan Invoice App 才能串接 API 以在商店後台開立發票。