Mave Thank You Page

Mave Thank You Page

$12.99/Monat. Kostenloser Test verfügbar.
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Reward customers using customizable messages with Mave Thank You Page and keep them shopping

The Mave Thank You Page app helps Shopify merchants boost post-purchase engagement, increase repeat sales, and build brand loyalty. Using a simple 3-step setup, you can add personalized widgets like related products, special offers, and loyalty programs to keep customers engaged. What sets our app apart is the seamless customization, which lets you customize Shopify thank you pages to match your brand identity while creating a powerful sales engine to generate consistent revenue.

The Mave Thank You Page app helps Shopify merchants boost post-purchase engagement, increase repeat sales, and build brand loyalty. Using a simple 3-step setup, you can add personalized widgets like related products, special offers, and loyalty programs to keep customers engaged. What sets our app apart is the seamless customization, which lets you customize Shopify thank you pages to match your brand identity while creating a powerful sales engine to generate consistent revenue. mehr
  • Personalize your Shopify Thank You message for customers to keep shopping
  • Add interactive widgets to keep customers engaged after the purchase
  • Customize your Shopify Thank You page to reflect your brand’s identity
  • Reward customers for shopping and keep them coming back for more

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$12.99 / Monat

  • Unlimited Usage of Widgets
  • Coupon Widget
  • Instant Buy Widget
  • Suggestion Widget
  • Social Media Widget

7-tägiger kostenloser Test

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Alle Gebühren werden in USD berechnet. Wiederkehrende und nutzungsabhängige Gebühren werden alle 30 Tage in Rechnung gestellt.


Anzahl pro Bewertungsstufe
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 5 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 4 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 3 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 2 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 1 Sterne
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4023 Kennett Pike #50349, Wilmington, DE, 19807, US


30. November 2023

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