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hard to import products from shopify
Hallo ich bin Alaga Muric und nutze TikTok für Werbung, bei mir wird zuviel Geld vom Konto abgezogen z.B habe ich 20 EUR WeRBUNG GESCHALTEN ABER ES WERDEN 120 EUR abgezogen. Bitte um rückzahlung der zuviel abgebuchten Geldes
Cannot figure out how to add products from shopify tik tok shop
Yes, easy to install, no different than any other integration. However extremely difficult to set up properly. It comes across as "easy" but it only grabbed 3 products out of 100 (800 with variants). Shopify refuses to give support and says it TTs problem. However I can't get a straight answer from the customer service or any help. Facebook and Instagram do it properly and that was easy and boom all my products appeared on those accounts.
Could it be this is only for Americans?
Note: The process sets up two accounts for you, but fails to mention it doesn't create a profile. That part is easy enough to do though once I knew it needed to be done.
Like so many other users, my ad account was suspended and I can't complete the set up. Huge waste of time and effort
Hi there — we're sorry to hear that you've run into some issues setting up your ad account, and we'd like to help if we can! Please submit a support ticket here so our team can look into this:
L'application déconnecte le pixel sans raison en pleine campagne, ce qui nous oblige a en re créer un nouveau et à perdre toute la data sur le produit. A fuir
Komplette Abzocke!!! Ads Kampagne erstellt und dann Geld darauf geladen. Kampagne war genehmigt. Als ich das Geld dann daraufgeladen habe, wurd direkt mein Account gesperrt ohne Grund. Der Support ist auch komplett nutzlos und bekommt nichts hin!!
Das ganze Geld ist jetzt weg und ich bekomms nicht wieder. Und das alles ohne überhaupt Werbung geschaltet zu haben!! Finger Weg von Tiktok Ads!!!
Thanks for taking the time to submit your feedback. We're sorry about your experience and would love to help! Please submit a ticket here so that we can review your account:
Product type shopify store available iam new in titok experience just use a time pass .iam start for business
SMALL BUSINESS - BEWARE! Uninstalling, and highly disappointed as they fraudulently lie about their ad credit for small businesses. We initially downloaded the app as we were emailed about a Small Business Credit for advertising, which took forever to verify our business account as they were not disclosing what documents they needed from us, so we ended up uploading all of our business documents and finally got approved. After doing so, we were emailed to claim our credit which we did, and took us to the Advertising Manager and we assumed that we would be able to use this credit on our ads but was not applied to our account and were charged for the ads we were supposed to get credit for. Upon following up with TikTok Business support, they were stating we needed to claim the credit by 12/15 (not disclosed in the email anywhere, and we did claim it on 12/10), and then closed our ticket with no attempt at resolving. I filed another claim, asking where in the email is this information to be then told that the ad credit is no longer available in my country (US), yet we received an email 01/05 stating that there is another small business ad credit we can apply on the account, which does not disclose an expiration. There is no resolution on their part, they are not looking to help small businesses during these difficult times due to their fraudulent "ad credit"
Thank you for your review. We are so sorry about your experience and would like to try and help if we can. Please email us at and we'll see what we can do! Hope to talk to you soon.