리뷰 (29,031)
상세 검색
very good
It was easy and pretty much straight forward
It was very easy to do!
the instructions for setup were straight forward.
Super simple, Et ludique
!function (w, d, t) {
w.TiktokAnalyticsObject=t;var ttq=w[t]=w[t]||[];ttq.methods=["page","track","identify","instances","debug","on","off","once","ready","alias","group","enableCookie","disableCookie","holdConsent","revokeConsent","grantConsent"],ttq.setAndDefer=function(t,e){t[e]=function(){t.push([e].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0)))}};for(var i=0;i<ttq.methods.length;i++)ttq. ...
Está aplicación es increíblemente buena y muy productiva para todo el que la usa, pero el problema es que te puedes tirar varias horas al día viéndolo sin darte cuenta.
I would recommend this to anyone that wants to grow their business.
I love TicToc