TinyBackup: Backup & restore
속도, 사용 편의성과 판매자 가치에 대한 Shopify의 최고 품질 표준을 충족합니다.
리뷰 (51)
상세 검색
We hadden een probleem met de app omdat de virusscanner en firewall alarm sloegen. De snelle helpdesk heeft dit probleem aangepakt en nu werkt de app prima. Het restoren van producten gaat goed, maar kan slechts per product worden gedaan. Het in bulk restoren moet gaan via de helpdesk. Mooi product, snelle helpdesk en dat voor een gratis app!!
Hallo, we hebben ons SSL-certificaat gecontroleerd en alles werkt perfect. Ik heb je een e-mail gestuurd, kun je contact met mij opnemen?
This app is free and it is one of the must have apps for all shopify store Thank you
Easy to use and one of the best app every store should have. Thank you
Amazing app! I was able finish the setup in a couple of clicks and my store backup was complete in couple of minutes! And unlike its alternatives, it is free! If you are looking for a Shopify backup app, look for no more.
Thank you, super easy
Another great app from Tiny.
Simple to use and does an essential task with ease. Great for anyone who wants to be certain they have their bases covered in case something goes wrong with their site.
Amazing app!
Great app, everything is easy to use. I really like it.
Fast, easy and free: perfect!
Literally did nothing, it said it was backing up so I left it for a day.
Came back and see 0 items backed up, no errors or progress of any kind.
Huge waste of time
We investigated the store and found out It had 53000 products to backup. The backup was created in 7 hours and finished on 2024-03-16 01:27 UTC and seems the app was uninstalled on 2024-03-16 01:30 UTC
It just was finished when It seems you have left our app and went to uninstall It. It's really unfortunate because we missed you like by 5 minutes and would have avoided this situation.
If you re-install our app and leave It be - It will do free automatic backups for you every day! Just will take about 7 to 10 hours to fully complete It due to the amount of products you have.
Tried communicating with the merchant, but got completely ignored. Really sad to get into these kind of situations when everything worked, just took time.
First reply:
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. I responded to you instantly once I saw your message, but never heard back from you.
Would you mind installing our app back ? We will help you back up your store. Would like just to investigate where It was stuck.
Also I'm not sure how It's a huge waste of time when you just install, click one button and leave It be! Also instead of paying hundreds of dollars to other apps, give us another chance and we will make It right!