TinyCookie: Barra de cookies

TinyCookie: Barra de cookies

Reseñas (190)

Calificación general
Recuentos por nivel de calificación
  • El 96% de las calificaciones son de 5 estrellas
  • El 4% de las calificaciones son de 4 estrellas
  • El 0% de las calificaciones son de 3 estrellas
  • El 0% de las calificaciones son de 2 estrellas
  • El 0% de las calificaciones son de 1 estrellas
14 de agosto de 2024

This app does a lot for free. I would have wished for some DataLayer pushed per default, but I was able to code a workaround for this. Same with Consent Mode v2.
The loading speed is OK and I like the simplicity of the banner as well as the frontend custimzations.

Maschinen Seife
18 días usando la aplicación
TinyIMG respondió 15 de agosto de 2024


Eli here. I wanted to understand what you meant by some DataLayer pushed on the free plan.

Can you check the email I sent and respond there ?

Looking forward to your reply!

Fecha de modificación: 2 de junio de 2023

In desktop PC it sounds doesn't work very well. In smartphone the OK buton appears, but in desktop the OK button doesn't appear...
Let me explain better: The bar appears. the text appears but the OK button doesn't appears, in desktop. afterall the cache cleaning... thanks in advance

Frete 0800
3 meses usando la aplicación
TinyIMG respondió 2 de junio de 2023

On Desktop try using private browsing! What you see is only cache and on private browsing its cleared

11 de abril de 2023

ótimo, simples e fácil de usar, muito eficaz, super recomendo esse aplicativo para aplicação da politica

Lojas Ciaresto
Alrededor de 2 meses usando la aplicación
5 de agosto de 2019

I have no complaints so far - needed a simple customisable cooke bar for the site, this one works perfectly fine, will just see how it interacts with everything else. Thanks!

Reino Unido
26 días usando la aplicación
4 de noviembre de 2021

Overall a good app but features like transparency & banner size seem to take no effect. I still would recommend it over most other apps!

RAE de Hong Kong (China)
Alrededor de 17 horas usando la aplicación
Fecha de modificación: 16 de enero de 2023

o aplicatie pe care am descoperit-o, foarte rapida si simplu de folosit, personal ma bucur sa o folosesc

Alrededor de 4 horas usando la aplicación
29 de marzo de 2020

Great app. The only thing that made me rate with 4 stars is that I'd like to be able to make the bar shorter.

41 minutos usando la aplicación